


I am trying to create a dynamic context menu in my Caliburn.Micro based application. Can anyone share an example of an effective way to do that?So far, I have a very minimal model for each context menu item:

public class ContextMenuUiModel
    public string Name { get; set; }


a property in my view model that presents a list of those menu item models:

      BindableCollection<ContextMenuUiModel> m_ContextMenuItems = new BindableCollection<ContextMenuUiModel>
     new ContextMenuUiModel { Name="Item 1"},
     new ContextMenuUiModel { Name="Item 2"},
     new ContextMenuUiModel { Name="Item 3"}
  public BindableCollection<ContextMenuUiModel> ContextMenuItems
     get {return m_ContextMenuItems;}


and, a menu item named for the collection property (based on the menu creation in FreePIE, found via this question and answer)

         <TreeView  x:Name="ConfigItemTree" VerticalAlignment="Top" ItemsSource="{Binding ConfigTreeRoot}" >
             <ContextMenu >
                <MenuItem x:Name="ContextMenuItems" DisplayMemberPath="Name" />

Caliburn.Microloging报告 get_ContextMenuItems没有可操作元素。同样,尽管Caliburn注意没有找到其属性的其他命名元素(例如,未应用绑定约定:Element ConfigItemTree与属性不匹配。),但它并未对ContextMenuItems做出类似声明。因此,看来Caliburn只是没有将ContextMenu视为可以或应该处理的元素。

Caliburn.Micro logging reports "No actionable element for get_ContextMenuItems". Also, although Caliburn is noting other named elements for which no property was found (e.g. "Binding Convention Not Applied: Element ConfigItemTree did not match a property."), it is not making a similar statement for ContextMenuItems. So, it seems Caliburn is just not seeing the ContextMenu as an element it could or should deal with.


Maybe the issue is that Caliburn can't see the context menu because it doesn't actually exist until a right click happens (similar to this issue with collapsed elements)?


Ultimately, I would like the context menu's contents to be based on the tree view item that was right clicked, possibly including sub menus and/or disabled items. For a start, though, I'll settle for whatever items I can get.


绑定 ContextMenu 的I​​temsSource 属性到 ContextMenuItems 属性的

Bind the ItemsSource property of the ContextMenu to the ContextMenuItems property:

<ContextMenu ItemsSource="{Binding PlacementTarget.DataContext.ContextMenuItems, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" 
             DisplayMemberPath="Name" />


10-15 17:42