

本文介绍了Visual Studio 2012无法识别Xaml文件,设计视图已损坏的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Visual Studio Professional RC 2012上的Xaml设计视图曾经为我工作.但是突然间我无缘无故停了下来.

Design View for Xaml on Visual Studio Professional RC 2012 used to work for me. But suddenly stopped for no reason I can figure.

  • Visual Studio 11不再识别Xaml文件.
  • 在属性中,它将XAML文件视为XML.
  • 在解决方案资源管理器中,它将其识别为xaml文件
  • 右键单击->设计视图"将打开一个新的Xaml 代码页面
  • 控件工具箱"什么都不显示
  • 我的操作系统是Windows 7 x64.
  • 我已将截至2012年7月的所有更新应用于VS11
  • 我尝试过修复Visual Studio&重置设置,但无济于事.
  • 搜索或stackoverflow中没有任何内容可以弥补此问题.
  • 我还没有尝试过卸载/重新安装
  • Visual Studio 11 No longer Recognizes Xaml Files.
  • In properties, it treats XAML files like XML.
  • In solution Explorer it recognizes it as a xaml file
  • Right Click -> Design View opens a new Xaml code page
  • Controls Toolbox shows nothing
  • My OS is Windows 7 x64.
  • I have applied all updates up to July 2012 to VS11
  • I have tried Repairing Visual Studio & Resetting Settings but to no avail.
  • There is nothing in search or stackoverflow I could find to remedy this.
  • I have not tried un/reinstalling

视觉Studio 2012 RC设计器无法识别Windows Metro应用程序的xaml 看起来与我的情况相同,但是我的问题表明,该问题比标题更笼统.

Visual Studio 2012 RC designer does not recognize xaml for a Windows Metro app looks identical to my case but my problem suggests the issue is more general than his title.


Reinstalling fixed his issue but does not shed light on this frustrating problem.



EDIT - Reinstalling nearly resolved the issue. Design view works, toolbox is populated, auto complete is back, XAML is available under tool-> options->text... and control element properties can be viewed.

除了传来奇怪的事实,即XAML代码视图不再进行语法高亮显示之外,所有其他事情都是正常的.这并不令人惊讶,因为与 http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/bb907395(v=vs.90).aspx 期望,显示的项目中没有XAML前缀的项目.

Everything is normal except for the passing strange fact that XAML Code View no longer does syntax highlighting. This is not suprising since unlike what http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb907395(v=vs.90).aspx expects, there are no XAML prefixed items in the displayed items.


Perhaps relatively minor in the scheme of things but also a very annoying loss.


对我有用:devenv /resetuserdata在命令提示符下.

Suggestion 4 in this link worked for me:devenv /resetuserdata in Command Prompt.


So at least in my case, re-installing and then the above command cleared all issues. It is possible that resetting user data could have made it unnecessary to re-install but I can't know that now.


I still can't say what caused this but it seems a pretty long tail issue that occurs sporadically and looks to have precursors in older versions.

这篇关于Visual Studio 2012无法识别Xaml文件,设计视图已损坏的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 01:54