



我有VS2012和最新的32位版本的ODAC (第5版和Oracle开发工具)安装在Win7的盒子。一切都是干净的安装。在这种环境下,我最初开发VS2010与建在32位ODAC版本4.

I have VS2012 and the latest 32-bit version of ODAC (Release 5 with Oracle Developer Tools) installed on a Win7 box. Everything is a clean install. In this environment, I have an ASP.NET Web Forms solution that was originally developed in VS2010 with EDMX files that were built on 32-bit ODAC Release 4.

我能够建立连接使用服务器资源管理器, Oracle有一个新的论坛页面,上面提到的后显然没有使之成为新的论坛。

Oracle has a new forums page, and the post referred to above apparently didn't make it into the new forums.


Apparently, in VS2012 with the latest ODAC, when you set up connection filter criteria you always have to include the default schema along with whatever schema you want.

更新:下面显示的是在向导中的过滤器选项卡添加(或修改)从Visual Studio服务器资源管理器数据连接。

UPDATE: Shown below is the Filters tab in the wizard for adding (or modifying) a Data Connection from the Visual Studio Server Explorer.


Look carefully and note that in the Value field of the 'Select the filter criteria,' I have two schema values (the actual values are erased from the screenshot) separated by a comma. One is the default schema value, and the other is the schema that I want. You can set these schema values by clicking the ellipsis that I have marked in red.


For some reason, I didn't have to do all that in VS2010 with previous version of ODAC, I removed the default schema and just added the schema I wanted.
