




I have a function that returns a Vector and in case of an error, I want to return an empty Vector which can be checked using Collections.isEmpty by the calling method. But I am unable to find the way to do it as Collections provides Collections.emptyList functions for List, Maps, etc. but not for Vector and I am forced to return null by function which I want to avoid.



您可以返回一个 new Vector< X>(),但是更好的解决方案是远离 Vector(已经有很多年了).除非需要并发功能,否则可以使用 ArrayList .

You could return a new Vector<X>(), but a better solution would be to move away from Vector which has been obsolete for (many) years. Unless you require concurrency features, you can use an ArrayList instead.

您还添加了从第三方服务收到的 Vector .不要忘了 Vector List ,因此您可以使用以下代码:

You added that you receive the Vector from a third party service. Don't forget that a Vector is a List, so you could maybe use something like this:

public List<X> getData() {
  try {
    Vector<X> v = getDataFromService();
    return v;
  } catch (ServiceException e) {
    return Collections.emptyList();


08-05 01:36