




I was thinking, is it possible to have a lockless queue when more than one thread is reading or writing? I've seen an implementation with a lockless queue that worked with one read and one write thread but never more than one for either. Is it possible? I don't think it is. Can/does anyone want to prove it?


有多种算法可用,我最终实现了 An Optimistic Approach to Lock-Free FIFO Queues,通过指针标记避免ABA问题(需要x86 上的 CMPXCHG8B 指令),它在生产应用程序(用 Delphi 编写)中运行良好.(另一个版本,带有 Java 代码)

There are multiple algorithms available, I ended up implementing the An Optimistic Approach to Lock-Free FIFO Queues, which avoids the ABA problem via pointer-tagging (needs the CMPXCHG8B instruction on x86), and it runs fine in a production app (written in Delphi). (Another version, with Java code)

不过,要真正实现无锁,您还需要一个无锁内存分配器 - 请参阅 可扩展的无锁动态内存分配(在 并发构建块)或 NBMalloc(但到目前为止,我还没有使用其中之一).

Nevertheless, to be really-really lockless, you would also need a lock-free memory allocator - see Scalable Lock-Free Dynamic Memory Allocation (implemented in Concurrent Building Block) or NBMalloc (but so far, I didn't get to use one of these).

您可能还想查看 乐观无锁 FIFO 队列的答案?


08-05 01:11