

我正在使用新的kafka生产者客户端,并将timeout.ms属性设置为50 ms.

I'm using the new kafka producer client and set the timeout.ms property to 50 ms.


Here is the complete configuration used in the producer:

props.put("acks", "1");
props.put("buffer.memory", "33554432");
props.put("retries", "1");
props.put("batch.size", "16384");
props.put("client.id", "foo");
props.put("linger.ms", "0");
props.put("timeout.ms", "50");


The request average response time in some moments of high load is 4 seconds, but I don't get any timeout error.


Does Someone know how this timeout is calculated, when it begins to be counted and when it finishes? Is there a way to configure a timeout to start from the moment the producer's send method is called?


新的 timeout.ms 属性与生产者的 ack 配置一起使用.例如,考虑以下情况

The new timeout.ms property works with the ack configuration of the producer. For example consider the following situation

ack = all
timeout.ms = 3000

在这种情况下, ack = all 意味着领导者直到收到完整的同步副本(ISR)的确认后才会响应,并且获得此确认的最大等待时间为 3000毫秒.如果在给定时间内未收到预期的确认数,则会返回错误.

In this case ack = all means that the leader will not respond untill it receives acknowledgement for the full set of in-sync replicas (ISR) and the maximum wait time to get this acknowledgement will be 3000 ms. If it didn't receive the expected number of acknowledgements within the given time it will return an error.


Also note this property does not consider network latency.


因此,对于您来说,如果无法响应(在将记录写到其记录上之后),我的回答是 ack = 1 (对此我不是100%的肯定,并且可以进行任何更正).自己的日志而没有等待所有关注者的完全确认)在50毫秒之内会引发错误.

So in your case with ack=1 (I am not 100% sure about this and open to any correction if applicable) if the leader is not able to respond (after writing the record to its own log without awaiting full acknowledgement from all followers) within 50ms should throw an error.


08-06 17:08