

设置Kafka Broker集群并创建了几个主题之后,我们发现Kafka自动创建以下两个主题:

After setting up the Kafka Broker cluster and creating few topics, we found that the following two topics are automatically created by Kafka:

  1. __ consumer_offsets
  2. _schema


What is the importance and use of these topics ?


__ consumer_offsets 用于存储有关每个主题的承诺偏移量的信息:每组使用者的分区数(groupID).这是一个紧凑的主题,因此将定期压缩数据,并且仅提供最新的偏移量信息.

__consumer_offsets is used to store information about committed offsets for each topic:partition per group of consumers (groupID).It is compacted topic, so data will be periodically compressed and only latest offsets information available.

_schema -不是默认的kafka主题(至少在kafka 8,9).它是由Confluent添加的.查看更多:Confluent Schema Registry-github.com/confluentinc/schema-registry(感谢@serejja)

_schema - is not a default kafka topic (at least at kafka 8,9). It is added by Confluent. See more: Confluent Schema Registry - github.com/confluentinc/schema-registry (thanks @serejja)


08-05 00:52