任何人都可以在VBA中找到On error goto -1和on error goto 0之间的区别?我试过google和msdn,但我没有运气。
Can anyone find the difference between 'On error goto -1' and 'on error goto 0' in VBA? I've tried google and msdn, but I've had no luck.
On Error GoTo 0
On Error GoTo 0
disables any error trapping currently present in the procedure.
发生错误GoTo -1
On Error GoTo -1
clears the error handling and sets it to nothing which allows you to create another error trap.
示例:On Error GoTo -1
在第一个错误出现之后,它将 GoTo ErrorFound
,然后将清除例程的错误处理并设置一个新的错误,当发现错误时,将 GoTo AnotherErrorFound
After the first error is raised, it will GoTo ErrorFound
which will then clear the routine's error handling and set a new one, which will GoTo AnotherErrorFound
when an error is found.
Sub OnErrorGotoMinusOneTest()
On Error GoTo ErrorFound
Err.Raise Number:=9999, Description:="Forced Error"
Exit Sub
On Error GoTo -1 'Clear the current error handling
On Error GoTo AnotherErrorFound 'Set a new one
Err.Raise Number:=10000, Description:="Another Forced Error"
'Code here
End Sub
示例:On Error GoTo 0
After the first error is raised, you will receive the error as error handling has been disabled.
Sub OnErrorGotoZeroTest()
On Error GoTo 0
Err.Raise Number:=9999, Description:="Forced Error"
End Sub
这篇关于'on error goto 0'和'on error goto -1'之间的区别 - VBA的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!