

如果我在命令行中键入 crontab -l ,我可以看到以下行:

 #* * * * * / usr / bin / php /home/user/every_minute_script.php 

开始此cronjob,我需要使用 crontab -e 命令编辑文件,删除


我想使用 PHP脚本实现完全相同的效果,而不是手动编辑文件。




 #!/ usr / bin / php 

$ on =* * * * * / usr / bin / php /home/user/every_minute_script.php\\\
$ off =#* * * * * / usr / bin / php /home/user/every_minute_script.php\\\

$ param = isset($ argv [1])? $ argv [1]:'';
$ filename = isset($ argv [2])? $ argv [2]:'';

if($ param =='activate')
shell_exec('export EDITOR =/ home / user / cron.php on; crontab -e') ;
elseif($ param =='deactivate')
shell_exec('export EDITOR =/ home / user / cron.php off; crontab -e' );
elseif(in_array($ param,array('on','off')))
if(!is_writable($ filename))

$ crontab = file($ filename);
$ key = array_search($ param =='on'?$ off:$ on,$ crontab);

if($ key === false)

$ crontab [$ key] = $ param =='on'? $ on:$ off;
file_put_contents($ filename,implode('',$ crontab));



就像这样,我们有一个名为 cron.php 位于 / home / user 文件夹,设置为可执行( chmod a + x cron.php )并从命令行(PHP-CLI)调用。

用法: ./ cron.php activate 启用cronjob并 ./ cron.php deactivate 禁用它。

脚本正确设置EDITOR环境变量(自身),然后调用 crontab -e 转动调用EDITOR(现在是相同的cron.php脚本)传递临时crontab文件位置作为参数。然后,找到并更改正确的crontab行,并保存修改的版本,替换临时文件。当脚本退出时,crontab会更新。



If I type crontab -l in the command-line I can see the following line:

# * * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/user/every_minute_script.php

To start this cronjob, I need to edit the file using crontab -e command, remove the comment character at the beginning of the line, save the edited file, and exit the editor.

To stop this cronjob, the same steps, but adding the comment character at the beginning of the line.

I want to achieve exactly the same effect using a PHP script, instead of manually editing the file.


I did some research and found in a forum, the following message:

So, I have tried something, and it worked. I will paste the working code below:


$on  = "* * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/user/every_minute_script.php\n";
$off = "# * * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/user/every_minute_script.php\n";

$param    = isset( $argv[1] ) ? $argv[1] : '';
$filename = isset( $argv[2] ) ? $argv[2] : '';

if ( $param == 'activate' )
    shell_exec( 'export EDITOR="/home/user/cron.php on"; crontab -e' );
elseif( $param == 'deactivate' )
    shell_exec( 'export EDITOR="/home/user/cron.php off"; crontab -e' );
elseif( in_array( $param, array( 'on', 'off' ) ) )
    if ( !is_writable( $filename ) )

    $crontab = file( $filename );
    $key = array_search( $param == 'on' ? $off : $on, $crontab );

    if ( $key === false )

    $crontab[$key] = $param == 'on' ? $on : $off;
    sleep( 1 );
    file_put_contents( $filename, implode( '', $crontab ) );



As it is, we have a single script named cron.php located at /home/user folder, set to be executable (chmod a+x cron.php) and called from the command-line (PHP-CLI). Later I will tweak it to run from the web, which is my intent.

Usage: ./cron.php activate to enable the cronjob and ./cron.php deactivate to disable it.

The script sets the EDITOR environment variable properly (to itself) and then calls crontab -e, which on its turn calls the EDITOR (which is now the same cron.php script) passing the temporary crontab file location as an argument. Then, the proper crontab line is found and changed, and the modified version is saved, substituting the temporary file. When the script exits, crontab will update.

This does exactly what I wanted, and fit my needs.

The other answers are nice and may fit different needs and scenarios, and I want to thank everybody who contributed.


08-04 23:38