



Is there any locale info available in .NET to know if a given date falls on a weekday or a weekend?


public Boolean IsWeekend(DateTime value, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
   return (value.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || value.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday);



Has .NET already done the work to compile what days are weekends for all cultures?


这是pretty的有趣的问题,答案似乎是否定的,有是.NET没有这种功能。当然你也可以使用的DateTimeFormatInfo 的 FirstDayOfWeek 属性,但它的没有不够好。

It is pretty interesting question and the answer seems to be no, there is no such function in .Net. Of course you can use DateTimeFormatInfo's FirstDayOfWeek Property, but it is not good enough.


It will just tell you that there is high chance that preceding day was the weekend day. However, it is not very helpful (what about the other one and...), as there are countries that have just one day weekend. Also, in Muslim countries, they typically have Friday as a weekend day, but... Some of them have also Thursday, some Saturday, and I am sure I heard about country that has Friday and Sunday off. In this case, it would be quite hard to talk about a weekend...

我看了看 CLDR图表,但我无法找到适当的信息。看来你是你自己。
从理论上讲,你可能会认为使用 ICU 的的具有 isWeekend()方法,但在导入一个dll只是要使用的一个班出了它的声音pretty的不好。

I took a look at CLDR Charts, but I can't find appropriate information. It seems you are on your own.
In theory, you may think of using ICU's Calendar class which has isWeekend() method but importing a dll just to use one class out of it sounds pretty bad.


08-15 23:37