

本文介绍了将数据发布到壁虎板的 Python 脚本的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在寻求帮助,以创建一个将数据推送到 geckoboard 的 Python 脚本,特别是以折线图的形式.目前我的代码如下所示,它是从其他来源收集的,如果有人可以合作并帮助我完成这个,那就太好了,我不知道如何在折线图上插入我想要的值,如果它可以用一些很棒的示例值来完成.谢谢

I am looking for help in creating a python script that will push data, specifically to geckoboard in the form of a line graph. Currently the code I have is shown below that has been pulled together from other sources, it would be great if someone could collaborate and help me finish this, I don't know how to insert the values I want on the line graph, if it could be finished with some example values that would be great. Thanks

import requests
import json

class Gecko(object):
def __init__(self, api_key):
    self.api_key = api_key

def push(self, widget_key, data):
    ret = requests.post("https://push.geckoboard.com/v1/send/%s" % widget_key, json.dumps({'api_key' : self.api_key, 'data' : data}), verify=False)
    if not (ret.status_code == 200 and ret.json().get('success') == True):
        raise ValueError(ret.content)

def line(self, widget_key, values, **kwargs):
    data = {'item' : [], 'settings' :kwargs}
    for item in values:
    return self.push(widget_key, data)

print run.push(150634-85f8db34-af52-4fa3-9963-3200a9a6fe74,some_data?)
print run.line(150634-85f8db34-af52-4fa3-9963-3200a9a6fe74,100,'text')


所以看起来最大的问题是形成你的 JSON 有效负载.根据 geckoboard API 文档,它应该如下所示:

So the biggest issue it seems is forming your JSON payload. According to the geckoboard API docs, it should look like this:

{"api_key" : "some-api-key-goes-here",
 "data": {
     "y_axis": {
         "format": "currency",
        "unit": "USD"
      "series": [
          "name": "GBP -> USD",
          "data": [

在 API 调用期间,您基本上组装了 JSON 有效负载,然后将其发布到带有密钥的地址.widget-key 是 geckoboard 希望您发布到的唯一地址或 URL, api_key 是您帐户的密钥.您希望程序运行的流程如下所示:1) 收集您的数据2) 将您的数据组装成类似 JSON 的结构(字典和列表嵌套)3) 转储您的 JSON(这意味着将您的 python 特定结构转换为 JSON 结构).4) 将此 JSON 发布到特定服务器.

During an API call, you basically assemble a JSON payload, then post it to an address with a key. The widget-key is the unique address or URL that geckoboard wants you to post to, the api_key is your account's key. The flow you want your program to work in goes like this:1) Gather your data2) Assemble your data into a JSON like structure (dictionaries and lists nested)3) Dump your JSON (This means convert your python specific structure into a JSON structure).4) Post this JSON to the specific server.


import requests
import json

class Gecko(object):
    def __init__(self, widget_key, api_key):

        # You put the widget and api_key values here so you can set it once you
        # call your object and set it.
        self.api_key = api_key
        self.widget_key = widget_key
        self.payload = {
            'api_key' : self.api_key,
            'data' : None

    def push(self):
        ret = requests.post(
            "https://push.geckoboard.com/v1/send/%s" % self.widget_key,
        if not (ret.status_code == 200 and ret.json().get('success') == True):
            raise ValueError(ret.content)

    # This function is the batteries included version.  It takes all allowable
    # values and checks if they have been provided.  If so, it'll post.
    def line(self, name, data_list, x_axis_labels=None,
             x_axis_type=None, y_axis_format=None, y_axis_unit=None):

        _data = {"series": [{"name": name,
                            "data": data_list}]}

        # Add x_axis to _data if there is an additional param.
        if x_axis_labels is not None or x_axis_type is not None:
            _data["x_axis"] = None

        if x_axis_labels is not None:
            _data["x_axis"]["labels"] = x_axis_labels

        if x_axis_type is not None:
            _data["x_axis"]["type"] = x_axis_type

        # Add y_axis to _data if there are y_axis params.
        if y_axis_format is not None or y_axis_unit is not None:
            _data['y_axis'] = None

        if y_axis_format is not None:
            _data["y_axis"]["format"] = y_axis_format

        if y_axis_unit is not None:
            _data["y_axis"]["unit"] = y_axis_unit

        self.payload["data"] = _data

# Usage:
# Step 1: Form your object and assign it to a variable.  The class now requires
# widget_key and API key to start off with.
line_widget = Gecko(

# Step 2: Add data to the payload:
line_widget.line(name="Something Line graph",
                 x_axis_labels=["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven"])

# Step 3: Push the data

抱歉,我现在无法测试代码是否正常工作,但我相当有信心它已经完成了 95% 的工作.如果您正在寻找更简单的方法,我构建了一个库来处理形成 JSON 并将数据推送到 geckoboard 上的自定义小部件.

Sorry, I can't test to see if the code works right now, but I'm fairly confident it's 95% of the way there. If you're looking for a simpler way, I built a library that handles forming the JSON and pushing the data to custom widgets on geckoboard.

您可以查看 Geckopush,如果您有任何问题,请告诉我.它目前处于一个比较稳定的版本,我正在积极努力.

You can check out Geckopush and let me know if you have any questions. It's currently at a somewhat stable version now and I'm actively working on it.

这篇关于将数据发布到壁虎板的 Python 脚本的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 22:24