

我有两组单选按钮,分别是按钮和按钮1 。我在下面的代码中使用

1.首先保存默认值( question1 answer2 用于下一个设置)


 < div id =button_set1> 
< input onClick =show_seq_lunid(); ('set'($ _ POST ['button'])&&& $ _POST ['button'] =='Yes')echo'检查= 选中';?>已检查/>< label> question1< / label>
< input onClick =show_list_lunid(); (= set($ _ POST ['button'])&&&&& $ _POST ['button'] =='No')echo'检查= 选中';?> /><标签>&ANSWER1 LT; /标签>
< / div>

< div id =button_set2>
< input onClick =os_hpux(); ('set'($ _ POST ['button1'])&& $ _POST ['button1'] =='Yes')echo'检查= 选中';?> /><标签>&问题2 LT; /标签>
< input onClick =os_others(); ('set'($ _POST ['button1'])&&& $ _POST ['button1'] =='No')echo'检查= 选中';?>已检查/>< label> answer2< / label>
< / div>

这里如果我使用下面的代码,第二个单选按钮 button1 在表单提交后不会粘在用户选择上,它会变回缺省状态。 answer2 。但第一组单选按钮工作正常。




 < div id =button_set1> 
< input onClick =show_seq_lunid();如果(!isset($ _POST ['button'])||(isset($ _POST ['button'])&& $'='='radio'name =buttonvalue =Yes _POST ['button'] =='Yes'))echo'checked =checked'?> /><标签>&问题1 LT; /标签>
< input onClick =show_list_lunid(); (= set($ _ POST ['button'])&&&&& $ _POST ['button'] =='No')echo'检查= 选中';?> /><标签>&ANSWER1 LT; /标签>
< / div>

< div id =button_set2>
< input onClick =os_hpux(); ('set'($ _ POST ['button1'])&& $ _POST ['button1'] =='Yes')echo'检查= 选中';?> /><标签>&问题2 LT; /标签>
< input onClick =os_others();如果(!isset($ _POST ['button1'])||(isset($ _POST ['button1'])&& $($)'='='radio'name =button1value =No _POST ['button1'] =='No'))echo'checked =checked';?> /><标签>&ANSWER2 LT; /标签>
< / div>


另请注意,您正在使用嵌入式JavaScript表示法,通常不鼓励将动态JS内容分离并更易于管理; - )

I have two set of radio buttons in html form button and button1. I am using below code to

1.keep the default value checked (question1 for first set and answer2 for next set)

2.keep user radio button selection after the form submit

<div id="button_set1">
<input onClick="show_seq_lunid();" type="radio" name="button" value="Yes" <?php if(isset($_POST['button']) && $_POST['button'] == 'Yes')  echo ' checked="checked"';?> checked /><label>question1</label>
<input onClick="show_list_lunid();" type="radio" name="button" value="No" <?php if(isset($_POST['button']) && $_POST['button'] == 'No')  echo ' checked="checked"';?> /><label>answer1</label>

<div id="button_set2">
<input onClick="os_hpux();" type="radio" name="button1" value="Yes" <?php if(isset($_POST['button1']) && $_POST['button1'] == 'Yes')  echo ' checked="checked"';?> /><label>question2</label>
<input onClick="os_others();" type="radio" name="button1" value="No" <?php if(isset($_POST['button1']) && $_POST['button1'] == 'No')  echo ' checked="checked"';?> checked /><label>answer2</label>

Here if i use below code, the second radio button button1 is not sticking on to the user selection after form submit, it changing back to its default checked state.ie answer2. But the first set of radio buttons work fine.If I remove the default checked option from the code, both radio buttons working fine after form submit. How can I keep the radio button checked after form submit while using checked default option for radios


So, the problem is you're setting the checked value twice upon form submission, resulting in selecting either the default value (from initial form state) or the value that has been submitted.

For this to work correctly, you'd need always use PHP to append the checked value to your radio elements, like this:

<div id="button_set1">
<input onClick="show_seq_lunid();" type="radio" name="button" value="Yes" <?php if(!isset($_POST['button']) || (isset($_POST['button']) && $_POST['button'] == 'Yes')) echo ' checked="checked"'?> /><label>question1</label>
<input onClick="show_list_lunid();" type="radio" name="button" value="No" <?php if(isset($_POST['button']) && $_POST['button'] == 'No')  echo ' checked="checked"';?> /><label>answer1</label>

<div id="button_set2">
<input onClick="os_hpux();" type="radio" name="button1" value="Yes" <?php if(isset($_POST['button1']) && $_POST['button1'] == 'Yes')  echo ' checked="checked"';?> /><label>question2</label>
<input onClick="os_others();" type="radio" name="button1" value="No" <?php if(!isset($_POST['button1']) || (isset($_POST['button1']) && $_POST['button1'] == 'No'))  echo ' checked="checked"';?> /><label>answer2</label>

Here's a working preview: http://codepad.viper-7.com/rbInpX

Also, please note that you're using inline JavaScript notation which is normally discouraged to keep dynamic JS content separate and more manageable ;-)


08-04 22:19