


i'm trying to import a csv into mongodb on my local machine. I used the following commmand from the shell:

mongoimport -d mydb -c things --type csv --file /Users/..../agentsFullOutput.csv --headerline


Failed: fields cannot be identical: '' and ''


I can't find anything on what that means. What am I doing wrong? The csv file, by the way, is the result of a mongoexport.


here are the column headers and some data:

_id build_profile   company_address company_name    company_website created_at  device _token   downloaded_app  email   first_name  last_name   is_proapp   modified_at mobile_phone    terms_accepted_at   license_number  broker_id   join_unique_url linkedin_profile_id billing_customer_id billing_zip mobile_phone    office_phone    vendors_count   clients_count   app_client
ObjectID(52ab245b763f4aec448b6763)  0   California  Lateral test    2014-01-01T08:19:05.470Z            test    test    test        2015-04-18T05:16:37.155Z    (123) 123-1234                          zip (123) 123-1234      10  5
ObjectID(52b46bfc763f4ad9198b45ab)      7928    test    test    2014-01-01T08:19:05.470Z                Jennifer    Chase       2015-04-15T17:05:17.114Z            5551112     jennifer-chase      test    7071            22  64



I had the exact same issue. I was opening up a CSV file in Excel to massage it and saving it back out again. While trying to import it into Mongo using "mongoimport" command I was getting the same error message that I had identical values. I checked the columns headings over and over to make sure there weren't any identical values.

我最终尝试从Excel中重新保存文件使用Windows Comma Separated的(.csv)逗号分隔值(.csv)通用格式部分的中找到的,从格式下拉菜单中,而不是默认选项。

I eventually tried re-saving the file from Excel using the "Windows Comma Separated (.csv)" option from the Format dropdown menu instead of the default "Comma Separated Values (.csv)" found in the "Common Format" section.



08-04 21:48