本文介绍了如何将Sum SQL和Spring Data JPA一起使用?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I want to load best seller products by quantity. These are my tables:

id  name
1    AA
2    BB

order_id  product_id  quantity
1          1          10
2          1          100
3          2          15
4          1          15


This is my Spring Data Repository:

public interface ProductRepository extends JpaRepository<Product, Long> {

    @Query(value = "select top 5 p.name, sum(po.quantity) as total_quantity from product p " +
            "inner join productorder po " +
                "on p.id = po.product_id " +
            "group by p.id, p.name " +
            "order by total_quantity desc", nativeQuery = true)
    List<Product> findTopFiveBestSeller();

我正在获取 HsqlException:找不到列:id

我认为此错误与id列无关,因为这两个表都存在. 按汇总查询"可以用于Spring数据吗?因为对于Spring Data应该仅从数据库中选择产品属性,这对我来说似乎并不奇怪,并且使用此sql我们还选择了sum(po.quantity). Spring数据可以处理此问题并将结果转换为列表吗?

I think this error does not have anything to do with id column, as it is there for both tables. Do "group by Sum queries" work with Spring data? Because it seems little strange for me as Spring Data should select just product attributes from the database, and with this sql we are selecting also the sum(po.quantity). Can Spring data handle this and convert the result as a List?


PS: I am using HSQLDB embedded as DB.



After changing the select statements projection from p.name to p.* to indicate that I am selecting multiple values rather than just String objects that have to be magically converted to Product objects, this works:

public interface ProductRepository extends JpaRepository<Product, Long> {

    @Query(value = "select top 5 p.*, sum(po.quantity) as total_quantity from product p " +
        "inner join productorder po " +
            "on p.id = po.product_id " +
        "group by p.id, p.name " +
        "order by total_quantity desc", nativeQuery = true)
    List<Product> findTopFiveBestSeller();


感谢@JMK和@JB Nizet.

Thanks @JMK und @JB Nizet.

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08-04 21:44