

我是 Spring 数据的新手,正在研究如何使用它.我认为我需要两种类型的查询:1)我可以使用这样的查询方法获得的简单查询

I'm new in Spring data and I'm studying how to use it.I thought that I need two type of query:1)Simple query that I can obtain with query methods like this

public interface CarRepository extends JpaRepository<Car, Integer> {
    List<Car> findByid_Fleet(int idFleet);

但我获得了无效的派生查询!未找到 String 类型的物业车队!遍历路径:Car.id.在 car 表中有 id_fleet,一个外键.

but I obtain Invalid derived query! No property fleet found for type String! Traversed path: Car.id.In car table there is id_fleet, a foreign key.


2)I need complex query, how can I write them?My code is so structured (example for one domain class):

public interface CarRepository extends JpaRepository<Car, Integer> {
        List<Car> findByid_Fleet(int idFleet);


public interface CarServices extends GeneralServices<Car, Integer>{

     * Return list of cars for one fleet
     * @param idFleet
     * @return
    public List<Car> findCarsByIdFleet(int idFleet);




public class CarServicesImpl implements CarServices {
    private CarRepository carRepository;

    public Car create(Car car) {
        return carRepository.save(car);

    public Car findById(Integer id) {
        return carRepository.getOne(id);

    public boolean exists(Integer id) {
        return carRepository.exists(id);

    public List<Car> findCarsByIdFleet(int idFleet) {

        return carRepository.findByid_Fleet(idFleet);


and database services where I group my database method

public class DatabaseFleetsAndCarsServicesImpl implements DatabaseFleetsAndCarsServices {
    static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DatabaseFleetsAndCarsServicesImpl.class);
    private CarServices carServices;
    private FleetServices fleetServices;

    public List<Fleet> getFleets() {
        return fleetServices.getFleets();

    public List<Car> getCars(int idFleet) {
        return carServices.findCarsByIdFleet(idFleet);


 * Car generated by hbm2java
@Table(name = "car", catalog = "ATS")
public class Car implements java.io.Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private Integer idCar;
    private CarType carType;
    private Fleet fleet;
    private String id;
    private int initialKm;
    private String carChassis;
    private String note;
    private Set<Acquisition> acquisitions = new HashSet<Acquisition>(0);


对于你的第一个问题:你没有把外键名作为方法名,而是成员名:在你的汽车类中,你有一个名为 Fleet 的字段,在 Fleet 类中,一个名为 idFleet 的字段?那么名字应该是:

For your first question : you don't put the foreign key name as the method name, but the name of the member : in your car class, you have a field named Fleet and in Fleet class, a field named idFleet ?then the name should be :

`List<Car> findByFleetIdFleet(int idFleet);`


And for the second question, you need a custom repository where you will implement those "complex" queries :

1 - public interface CarRepository extends JpaRepository, CarRepositoryCustom

2 - 公共接口 CarRepositoryCustom

3 - 公共类 CarRepositoryImpl 实现 CarRepositoryCustom

在自定义接口中,只需声明方法……然后在类中实现它们……spring 会做一些魔术(按名称代理接口/类)并且您的自定义查询将可用

in the custom interface, just declare methods ... and in the class, implement them .. spring will do some magic (proxying interfaces / classes by name) and your custom queries will be available


code in custom class should be like this :

private EntityManager entityManager;

public List<Car> findAllCars() {
  String jpql = "select c from Car c";
  Query query = entityManager.createQuery(jpql);
  return query.getResultList();


public List<Car> findAllByCarChassis(String chassis) {
      String jpql = "select c from Car c where c.carChassis = :chassisParam";

      Query query = entityManager.createQuery(jpql);
      query.setParameter("chassisParam", chassis);

      return query.getResultList();


08-04 21:39