本文介绍了Spring Boot和Spring IO有什么关系?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Spring有一个名为spring IO http://platform.spring.io/platform/的新项目,但它不是真的很清楚那个项目和Spring Boot有什么区别.

Spring has a new project called spring IO http://platform.spring.io/platform/ and it is not really clear what is the difference between that project and Spring Boot.

我已经是Spring Boot的用户,但是无法确定我应该使用SpringIO还是继续使用Spring Boot.

I am already a spring boot user but can't tell if I should be using SpringIO or just continue on with Spring Boot.

如果我只是唱歌Spring Boot而忽略Spring IO,我会丢失任何东西吗?

Am I missing anything if I just sing Spring Boot and Ignore Spring IO?

我已经阅读了Spring IO的文档,但是对于上述问题的答案仍然不清楚.

I have read through the documentation for Spring IO but the answers to the above questions are still unclear.


Spring IO提供了Spring Boot启动程序依赖项管理的依赖项的超集. Spring IO级别设置了各个Spring项目之间的依赖关系,但没有其他运行时要求.从这个意义上讲,它不是一个非常方便的依赖项管理解决方案.

Spring IO provides a superset of the dependencies managed by the Spring Boot starter-dependencies. Spring IO level-sets the dependencies across the various Spring projects, but no additional runtime requirements. It is not, in that sense, a project so much as very convenient dependency management solution.

Spring IO是一个逻辑结构-您可以将各个部分视为这个更大的托管平台的一部分.当然,这不需要您使用所有库.请在公告博客中查看以获取更多详细信息.

Spring IO is a logical construct - you can think of the various pieces as being part of this larger, managed platform. This does not require you to use all of the libraries, of course. Please check out the announcement blog for more details.

如果您想使用Spring Boot启动程序的依赖项,则没有理由进行更改.如果您正在使用其他Spring项目,而没有Spring Boot启动程序依赖项的好处,那么S​​pring IO平台将为您量身定制.

If you want to consume the Spring Boot starter dependencies, then there's no reason to change. If you're using other Spring projects, without the benefit of the Spring Boot starter dependencies, then the Spring IO platform is tailor-made for you.

这篇关于Spring Boot和Spring IO有什么关系?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-28 17:21