我正在尝试将空手道测试中的json结果导入到 AssertThat Jira插件中.
I am trying to import json results from karate tests into the AssertThat Jira plugin.
在黄瓜js 5.1.0上导入效果很好,但在空手道0.9.2上导入失败
Importing works well with cucumber js 5.1.0, but fails using karate 0.9.2
Seems that the problem lies in AssertThat using the Feature's "name" in the json to correlate to its internal Feature names, and a difference between how karate and cucumber js use the "name" and "description" fields .
Cucumber js uses the Feature's name from the feature file itself e.g. a feature file with "Feature: test reporting" will generate a json with:
"keyword": "Feature",
"name": "test reporting",
"description":"In order to do report tests\n As a developer\n I want to do reporting",
While karate uses the feature file name for the "name" and put the actual Feature in the "description":
"description":"test reporting",
We've added an extra flag -k which is optional and defaults to 'cucumber' but can be set to 'karate' for importing karate type results.
已发布新的客户端插件版本(1.3),并更新了文档以供进一步参考 https://assertthat.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ABTM/pages/728105165/Integration+with+Test+Automation+Framework
New client plugins version released (1.3) and documentation updated for further reference https://assertthat.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ABTM/pages/728105165/Integration+with+Test+Automation+Frameworks