本文介绍了Jruby和Cucumber / Cucumber Rails - 无法找到发电机黄瓜:安装的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



$ b

尝试运行rails generate cucumber:install


背景:设置需要Windows和Java 6的测试电脑。

  • 使用Windows XP

  • 下载并安装了Jruby 1.7.9

  • 下载了Ruby Dev Kit 4.5.2(32位)

  • 使用jruby

    -S gem install x

  • 为项目安装了所需的gem(以前在普通ruby上运行)

  • 尝试进行黄瓜安装以便生成所需的工件。

已安装的gem列表:jruby -S gem list --local


  • actionmailer >
  • actionpack(4.0.2)

  • activemodel(4.0.2)

  • activerecord-deprecated_finders(1.0.3)

  • activerecord-jdbc适配器(1.3.3)

  • activerecord -jdbcsqlite3-adapter(1.3.3)

  • activesupport(4.0.2)

  • arel(4.0.1)

  • 原子(1.1.14 java)

  • builder(3.2.2,3.1.4)

  • / li>

  • 2.2.0)

  • coffee-script-source(1.6.3)

  • 黄瓜(1.3.10)

  • cucumber-rails(1.4.0)

  • diff-lcs(1.2.5)

  • erubis >
  • execjs(2.0.2)

  • gherkin(2.12.2 java)

  • / li>

  • jbc-sqlite3(3.7。 2.1)

  • jquery-rails(3.0.4)

  • jruby-win32ole(0.8.5)

  • json(1.8.1 java)

  • mail(2.5.4)

  • mime-types(1.25.1)

  • mini_portile(0.5.2)

  • minitest(4.7.5)

  • multi_json(1.8.2)
    multi_test (0.0.2)

  • nokogiri(1.6.0 java)

  • polyglot(0.3.3)

  • rack(1.5.2)

  • rack-test(0.6.2)

  • rails(4.0.2)

  • railties(4.0.2)

  • rake(10.1.0)

  • rdoc(3.12.2)

  • ruby​​gems-update(2.1.11)

  • sass(3.2.12)

  • / li>

  • 1)

  • therubyrhino(2.0.2)

  • therubyrhino_jar(1.7.4)

  • .1)

  • thread_safe(0.1.3 java)

  • tilt(1.4.1)

  • (1.4.15)

  • turbolinks(2.0.0)

  • tzinfo(0.3.38)

  • uglifier(2.3.2)

  • xpath(2.0.0)


  • 控制器

  • 发电机

  • 助手

  • integration_test

  • jbuilder

  • mailer

  • 迁移

  • 资源

  • coffee:assets

  • Jdbc:

  • jdbc

  • Jquery:

  • jquery:install

  • Js:

  • js:assets

  • TestUnit:

  • test_unit:plugin

  • -rails生成器添加到rails生成器列表中?



    按照要求 - 这里是rails generate project_name创建的项目目录中的Gemfile


    #Bundle edge Rails改为:gem'rails',github:'rails / rails'
    gem' ,'4.0.2'


    gem'sass-rails','〜> 4.0.0'

    gem'uglifier','> = 1.3.0'

    #使用CoffeeScript。 js.coffee assets and views
    gem'coffee-rails','〜> 4.0.0'




    #轻松构建JSON API。阅读更多:https://github.com/rails/jbuilder
    gem'jbuilder','〜> 1.2'

    group:doc do
    #bundle exec rake doc:rails在doc / api下生成API。

    #使用ActiveModel has_secure_password
    #gem'bcrypt-ruby','〜> 3.1.2'


    #gem'capistrano' ,group::development

    注意:我还是新到这个Jruby / Ruby和黄瓜,


    问题与Jruby没有设置 GEM_HOME GEM_PATH 变量,它们没有在Jruby安装上默认设置。
    要修复,这将需要您的ruby安装的gem位置(运行gem env找到GEM PATHS)。在我的特殊情况下,这是: c:\jruby-1.7.9 / lib / ruby​​ / gems / shared







      bundle install 


      rails generate cucumber:install 


    Although I've often come here for solutions, however this is my first post!


    When trying to run "rails generate cucumber:install"I receive the error: Could not find generator cucumber:install

    Note: When using plain Ruby on Windows I have managed to successfully configure cucumber, but had to change because of the dependency on java libraries and requirement for Jruby...

    Background: Setting up a testing pc that requires Windows and Java 6.

    • Using Windows XP
    • Downloaded and installed Jruby 1.7.9
    • Downloaded Ruby Dev Kit 4.5.2 (32 bit)
    • installed the required gems for the project (which worked previously on plain ruby) using "jruby
      -S gem install x"
    • generated a new rails project
    • Did the necessary bundle init and bundle install
    • Get stuck trying to do the cucumber install for the project to generate the required artifacts.

    List of installed gems: "jruby -S gem list --local"

    * LOCAL GEMS *

    • actionmailer (4.0.2)
    • actionpack (4.0.2)
    • activemodel (4.0.2)
    • activerecord (4.0.2)
    • activerecord-deprecated_finders (1.0.3)
    • activerecord-jdbc-adapter (1.3.3)
    • activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter (1.3.3)
    • activesupport (4.0.2)
    • arel (4.0.1)
    • atomic (1.1.14 java)
    • builder (3.2.2, 3.1.4)
    • bundler (1.3.5)
    • capybara (2.2.0)
    • coffee-rails (4.0.1)
    • coffee-script (2.2.0)
    • coffee-script-source (1.6.3)
    • cucumber (1.3.10)
    • cucumber-rails (1.4.0)
    • diff-lcs (1.2.5)
    • erubis (2.7.0)
    • execjs (2.0.2)
    • gherkin (2.12.2 java)
    • hike (1.2.3)
    • i18n (0.6.9)
    • jbuilder (1.5.3)
    • jdbc-sqlite3 (
    • jquery-rails (3.0.4)
    • jruby-win32ole (0.8.5)
    • json (1.8.1 java)
    • mail (2.5.4)
    • mime-types (1.25.1)
    • mini_portile (0.5.2)
    • minitest (4.7.5)
    • multi_json (1.8.2)multi_test (0.0.2)
    • nokogiri (1.6.0 java)
    • polyglot (0.3.3)
    • rack (1.5.2)
    • rack-test (0.6.2)
    • rails (4.0.2)
    • railties (4.0.2)
    • rake (10.1.0)
    • rdoc (3.12.2)
    • rubygems-update (2.1.11)
    • sass (3.2.12)
    • sass-rails (4.0.1)
    • sdoc (0.3.20)
    • sprockets (2.10.1)
    • sprockets-rails (2.0.1)
    • therubyrhino (2.0.2)
    • therubyrhino_jar (1.7.4)
    • thor (0.18.1)
    • thread_safe (0.1.3 java)
    • tilt (1.4.1)
    • treetop (1.4.15)
    • turbolinks (2.0.0)
    • tzinfo (0.3.38)
    • uglifier (2.3.2)
    • xpath (2.0.0)

    List of Generators:

    • Rails:
    • assets
    • controller
    • generator
    • helper
    • integration_test
    • jbuilder
    • mailer
    • migration
    • model
    • resource
    • scaffold
    • scaffold_controller
    • task
    • Coffee:
    • coffee:assets
    • Jdbc:
    • jdbc
    • Jquery:
    • jquery:install
    • Js:
    • js:assets
    • TestUnit:
    • test_unit:plugin

    So how can I get the cucumber-rails generator to be added to the rails generator list?

    I have searched forums and have not come up with an answer, please try to the assist in answering the questions and not simply post a url to another article/forum, as this does not appear to be a duplicate.

    Your help would be appreciated!

    As requested - here is the Gemfile from the project directory created by "rails generate project_name"

    source 'https://rubygems.org'
    # Bundle edge Rails instead: gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails'
    gem 'rails', '4.0.2'
    # Use jdbcsqlite3 as the database for Active Record
    gem 'activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter'
    # Use SCSS for stylesheets
    gem 'sass-rails', '~> 4.0.0'
    # Use Uglifier as compressor for JavaScript assets
    gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.3.0'
    # Use CoffeeScript for .js.coffee assets and views
    gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 4.0.0'
    # See https://github.com/sstephenson/execjs#readme for more supported runtimes
    gem 'therubyrhino'
    # Use jquery as the JavaScript library
    gem 'jquery-rails'
    # Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster. Read more: https://github.com/rails/turbolinks
    gem 'turbolinks'
    # Build JSON APIs with ease. Read more: https://github.com/rails/jbuilder
    gem 'jbuilder', '~> 1.2'
    group :doc do
      # bundle exec rake doc:rails generates the API under doc/api.
      gem 'sdoc', require: false
    # Use ActiveModel has_secure_password
    # gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '~> 3.1.2'
    # Use unicorn as the app server
    # gem 'unicorn'
    # Use Capistrano for deployment
    # gem 'capistrano', group: :development

    Note: I am still new to this Jruby/Ruby and cucumber, so not yet sure what to look for.


    The problem was related to Jruby not setting the GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH variables, they were not set by default on the Jruby install.To fix, this you will need the gem location for your ruby installation (run "gem env" to find the GEM PATHS). In my particular case this was: c:\jruby-1.7.9/lib/ruby/gems/shared

    Create the System Variables for both GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH and set the value to the path you found above.

    Thereafter the Gemfile in the project directory required a manual update to include the line:

    gem 'cucumber-rails'

    Note: I also added cucumber for good measure as below in the Gemfile.

    gem 'cucumber'

    Then run:

    bundle install

    Then install cucumber:

    rails generate cucumber:install

    A Special thanks to Gregory for his support, although it was not the complete solution, he provided some key steps that were required after fixing the Environment.

    这篇关于Jruby和Cucumber / Cucumber Rails - 无法找到发电机黄瓜:安装的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

    08-04 20:33