本文介绍了Capybara,在 CSS 元素中查找的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 Ruby on Rails 3、Cucumber 和 Capybara

I'm working with Ruby on Rails 3, Cucumber, and Capybara

我已经搜索了很长时间,但我无法弄清楚如何在 css 标记中找到特定的页面元素.就我而言,我需要确保在表格中找到名称,而不是在欢迎 [名称]"中.

I've been searching for quite some time, and I can't figure out how to find a specific page element within a css tag. In my case, I need to make sure that a name is found inside of a table, and not in the "Welcome [Name]".


within('table') do

我有一张带有 id='table' 的表格.

And I have a table with id='table'.

但我想知道如何对任何 css 元素执行此操作,例如:

But I'd like to know how to do this for any css element, such as:

within('h2') do
  page.body.should have_content ('stuff')

我认为我的问题与 page.body 有关,但我不确定如何将其包含到特定的 css 标记中.

I think my problem has to do with page.body, but I'm not sure how to contain it to a particular css tag.




Capybara's within matcher only matches the first result, so if you have multiple h2 tags, it'll only look in the first one.

请尝试 have_css:text 选项.

Instead, try have_css with the :text option.

page.should have_css("#table", :text => "[Name]")
page.should have_css('h2', :text => 'stuff')

这篇关于Capybara,在 CSS 元素中查找的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 20:29