

我对angular2还是很陌生,但是我尝试编写一个登录组件.一切正常,除非成功登录后,我想在会话服务中设置用户名和密码(我在其中存储用户名和密码以创建基本身份验证标头).遗憾的是 this._session.loggedIn 从未设置.有人知道为什么吗?

I am quite new to angular2 but i tried to write a login component. Everything works fine except after a successful login i want to set the username and password in my session service (where i store the username and password to create basic auth headers). Sadly this._session.loggedIn never gets set. Anybody an idea why?

export class LoginComponent {

    public email = '';
    public password = '';

        private _router: Router,
        private _auth: AuthenticationService,
        private _session: SessionService) {

    login() {
        this._auth.login(this.email, this.password)
                data => {
                    this._session.currentProfile = data;
                    this._session.loggedIn = true;
                err => {}



login(email, password){
        return this._http.get('/profile')
            .map(res => res.json());


此代码是传递给 subscribe

        data => {
            this._session.currentProfile = data;
            this._session.loggedIn = true;


This code is not executed immediately but sometimes later, when the response from the server arrives or whatever event is necessary for the observable to emit a new event which then causes above function to be called.


login() {
    this._auth.login(this.email, this.password)
            data => {
                this._session.currentProfile = data;
                this._session.loggedIn = true;
            err => {}
    // <<== at this point above code hasn't been executed yet and no values are set


If you need code to be executed when the data arrives, you need to move it inside the callback.

如果 login 的调用者需要访问接收到的数据,则它还必须等待直到数据到达.您可以通过返回可观察值

If the caller of login needs access to the received data, it has to wait as well until the data arrives. You can achieve this by returning the observable

login() {
    return this._auth.login(this.email, this.password)
            data => {
                this._session.currentProfile = data;
                this._session.loggedIn = true;

在这种情况下,您不能使用 subscribe ,因为它会返回 Subscription .如果改为使用 map ,则将返回 Observable ,可由调用方使用,如

You can't use subscribe in this case because it returns a Subscription. If you use map instead, then a Observable is returned which can be used by the caller like

this.login().subscribe(data => this.doSomething());

这样,当调用 doSomething()时,设置 _session.currentProfile _session.loggedIn router.navigate()已被调用.

This way when doSomething() is called, _session.currentProfile, _session.loggedIn are set and router.navigate() has been called.


Async execution always needs to be properly chained and there is no way to go back to sync execution from an async call.


09-02 04:30