


is there a way for an application to be notified when a mail arrives in the standard mail app?


To be more precise, I would like to write an app which is able to read an incoming email from the standard mail app containing a new contact or event in a custom .txt format. Then, the app should add this new contact/event to the ipad. And also viceversa: if a user modifies a contact, my app should be notified and it should be able to compose a new email containing the modified contact information and send this email to a back-end.


Is there a way to achieve this? In particular, I would like to know if my app could be notified when new email arrives.


I did a lot of search on the web but it seems there is no standard framework or notification mechanism to achieve this.


您可以简单地使用拉机制来完成此操作,在您的应用程序中检查新以指定的时间间隔在服务器上发送电子邮件,如果收到一封新电子邮件,例如带有预定义的标题,则可以在应用程序中获取并处理它。不确定可用于iPad / iPhone开发的库,但应该可以。

You can simply do it with 'pull' mechanism, in your application check for new emails on the server with specified interval, if a new email arrives, say with predefined title you can fetch it and process it in your application. Not sure about the libraries available for the IPad/iPhone development but that should be possible.


08-04 20:05