


I have names of all the employees of my company (5000+). I want to write an engine which can on the fly find names in online articles(blogs/wikis/help documents) and tag them with "mailto" tag with the users email.


As of now I am planning to remove all the stop words from the article and then search for each word in a lucene index. But even in that case I see a lot of queries hitting the indexes, for example if there is an article with 2000 words and only two references to people names then most probably there will be 1000 lucene queries.


Is there a way to reduce these queries? Or a completely other way of achieving the same?Thanks in advance


http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aho%E2%80%93Corasick_string_matching_algorithm

This algorithm might be of use to you. The way this would work is you first compile the entire list of names into a giant finite state machine (which would probably take a while), but then once this state machine is built, you can run it through as many documents as you want and detect names pretty efficiently.
I think it would look at every character in each document only once, so it should be much more efficient than tokenizing the document and comparing each word to a list of known names.
There are a bunch of implementations available for different languages on the web. Check it out.


08-04 19:49