



这个问题一般在64位Java应用程序,虽然我来是因为使用Netbeans / Eclipse的工作上面。我使用的是64位处理器,64位操作系统(Windows 7)。我想有超过堆内存4GB运行NetBeans / Eclipse中(即使用XMX标志),但我遇到了一些混乱。似乎没有成为一个64位版本的Netbeans的,虽然也有其他操作系统的64位版本的Eclipse,没有一个用于Windows。此外,我找不到一个64位版本的最新的JRE / JDK的(我读过的网站提这些的存在,所以我不知道如果Sun刚刚暂时采取了下来)。

This question is about 64-bit Java apps in general, although I came upon it because of working with Netbeans/Eclipse. I'm using a 64-bit processor with a 64-bit OS (Windows 7). I wanted to run Netbeans/Eclipse with more than 4GB of heap memory (i.e., using the Xmx flag), but I'm running into some confusion. There doesn't appear to be a 64-bit version of Netbeans, and while there are 64-bit versions of Eclipse for other OS's, there isn't one for Windows. Furthermore, I cannot find a 64-bit version of the latest JRE/JDK (I've read sites mentioning the existence of these, so I'm not sure if Sun has just temporarily taken them down).


Now that I've explained my situation, my questions are as follows:

  1. 在用什么软件做我需要超过堆内存4GB运行NetBeans / Eclipse中/(随机Java应用程序)?是一个具有64位操作系统足够的?难道我还需要一个64位的JRE?
  2. 我想Java源代码code和Java字节code是体系结构无关,作为Java程序与32位64位的JDK,可以用任何一个运行在不同的机器上编译32位或64位JRE。如果这是真的,为什么Eclipse中有32位版本和64位版本(我知道他们没有一个用于Windows,但他们有一个针对Linux)?这是否意味着Eclipse的可能有本地库,对其中32位与64位将此事?


Thanks in advance,

好吧,原来有一个64位版本的Eclipse的Windows,但其深埋出于某种原因(至少我没看到有人从主网页的链接)。摸索了好位之后,我发现了一个blog帖子其中指出,你可以得到64位的Eclipse的Windows在 Eclipse的下载。该链接指向链接到许多不同的发行版本的网页 - 我只是选择了最新的稳定版本(3.5.1在这篇文章的时候)。这第二页列出了各种下载用于Eclipse 3.5.1,并为每个下载的,你有一个广泛的架构(32位和64位)和操作系统的(例如,Windows和Linux),可供选择的。我个人选择的是Eclipse SDK下载 - 这带有Eclipse平台,Java开发工具和插件开发环境,包括源代码和用户和程序员文档。我不知道我需要的源代码或文档,但我想我以后可以随时将其删除。

Update 1:
Ok, it turns out there is a 64-bit version of Eclipse for Windows, but its buried deep for some reason (at least it I didn't see where it was linked from the main page). After searching around for quite a bit, I found a blog post which stated that you can get 64-bit Eclipse for Windows at Eclipse Downloads. That link points to a page with links to many different release versions - I just picked the most recent stable release (3.5.1 at the time of this post). This second page lists various downloads for Eclipse 3.5.1, and for each download, you have a wide range of architectures (32-bit and 64-bit) and OS's (e.g., Windows, Linux) to choose from. I personally chose the Eclipse SDK download - this comes with "Eclipse Platform, Java development tools, and Plug-in Development Environment, including source and both user and programmer documentation". I'm not sure I need the source or documentation, but I figure I can always remove it later.



Yes, you will need a 64 bit JVM to utilize all your memory. I am not up to date with what you can get for Windows so I will let someone else answer that.

不过,我认为主要的原因,你不能找到一个64位的NetBeans是,它是100%纯Java架构无关。 Eclipse提供了一种替代的GUI框架,用更天然的外观和感觉(SWT),并使用它的开发环境本身。一旦你链接到您的Java应用程序,以本机库需要分发库正确的架构,Eclipse发行(你的第二个项目),因此该架构的依赖。

However, I think the main reason why you can't find a 64 bit netbeans is that it is 100% pure java and architecture independent. Eclipse provides an alternative GUI framework with a more native look and feel (SWT) and uses it for the development environment itself.Once you link to your java app to native libraries you need to distribute the libraries for the correct architecture, hence the architecture dependence of the eclipse distribution (your second item).


08-04 19:39