


I am currently a beginner in CakePHP, and have played around with CakePHP 1.3, but recently CakePHP 2.0 has been released.

到目前为止,我喜欢它,但唯一的事是一个痛苦的事实是,它不返回对象,而它只是返回数组。我的意思是,它几乎是有道理不得不做$信息['邮政'] ['身份证']。这是(在我看来)更实际的,只是做后$> ID。

So far I like it but the only thing is being a pain is the fact that it doesn't return Objects, rather it just returns arrays. I mean, it hardly makes sense to have to do $post['Post']['id']. It is (in my opinion) much more practical to just do $post->id.


Now after Google I stumbled upon this link, however, this kept generating errors about indexes not being defined when using the Form class (guessing this is because it was getting the objectified version rather than the array version).


I am following the Blog tutorial (already have followed it under 1.3 but going over it again for 2.0)


So, anyone know how to achieve this without it interfering with the Form class?



您可以创建额外的对象瓦尔。这样,你就不会与蛋糕的干扰AUTOMAGIC,但可以使用格式例如 $ modelNameObj-> ID访问数据。格式

You could create additional object vars. This way you wouldn't interfere with Cake's automagic but could access data using a format like $modelNameObj->id; format.

首先,在/ app /控制器创建AppController.php,如果你不已经有一个。然后创建一个beforeRender()函数。这将查找在蛋糕的标准命名约定的数据,并从它创建额外的对象瓦尔。

Firstly, create an AppController.php in /app/Controller if you don't already have one. Then create a beforeRender() function. This will look for data in Cake's standard naming conventions, and from it create additional object vars.

App::uses('Controller', 'Controller');

class AppController extends Controller {

  public function beforeRender() {


    // camelcase plural of current model
    $plural = lcfirst(Inflector::pluralize($this->modelClass));

    // create a new object
    if (!empty($this->viewVars[$plural])) {
      $objects = Set::map($this->viewVars[$plural]);
      $this->set($plural . 'Obj', $objects);

    // camelcase singular of current model
    $singular = lcfirst(Inflector::singularize($this->modelClass));

    // create new object
    if (!empty($this->viewVars[$singular])) {
      $object = Set::map($this->viewVars[$singular]);
      $this->set($singular . 'Obj', $object);


Then in your views you can access the objects like so:






All we're doing is adding 'Obj' to the variable names that Cake would already provide. Some example mappings:

产品 - > $ productsObj

ProductType - > $ productTypesObj

ProductType -> $productTypesObj


I know this is not perfect but it would essentially achieve what you wanted and would be available across all of your models.


08-04 18:09