

本文介绍了在Cordova InAppBrowser上打开createObjectURL Blob的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个Angular2 +/Cordova应用程序,我正在提出API请求以获取PDF.我想在Web +本机环境中打开此PDF.

I have an Angular2+/Cordova app, and I'm making an API request to get a PDF. I'd like to open this PDF in Web + Native environments.


For web I'm opening the window, getting the PDF & creating a Blob from it, then doing createObjectURL and setting the window's location.href to that URL. It works well (on Chrome/FF).


On native I'd like to do something similar, but ideally just do a (via the InAppBrowser plugin) with the URL that came from createObjectURL. Is this possible? The URL I get back is something like: blob:file:///ef76ad0d-7c7f-4817-915f-9097160d1a58. Trying to open this via InAppBrowser with a _system target does absolutely nothing. No errors, no windows, no nothing. Wondering if there are special whitelist or SCP things I need to do for this?



For reference, I don't like this solution, but I ended up treating web and native differently in this case.

WEB:打开窗口-> REST调用以获取Blob->带Blob的createObjectURL->将窗口位置href设置为上一步的结果

WEB:Open Window --> REST call to get Blob --> createObjectURL with Blob --> set window location href to result of previous step

本机:REST调用以获取Blob->使用Cordova File插件保存Blob->使用Cordova File Opener插件打开保存的文件

NATIVE:REST call to get Blob --> Save Blob with Cordova File plugin --> Open saved file with Cordova File Opener plugin

这篇关于在Cordova InAppBrowser上打开createObjectURL Blob的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 18:05