我正在尝试在运行OS X Server的新XServe服务器上执行从cvs到svn的迁移. OS X预先安装的cvs2svn库和dbm库之间存在已知冲突.错误是:
I am trying to perform a migration from cvs to svn on my our new XServe server which is running OS X Server. There is a known conflict between the cvs2svn and dbm libraries that come pre-installed with OS X. The error is:
我已按照 cvs2svn常见问题解答中的所有规定步骤进行操作,但该错误仍然存在.有谁知道完成此任务的另一种方法,或另一个网站为这个看似常见的问题提供了不同的解决方案?
I followed all the prescribed steps in the cvs2svn FAQ but the error still persists. Does anyone know of an alternative way to accomplish this task, or another website that offer a different solution to this seemingly common problem?
Since CVS and Subversion repositories are really just collections of files, one way to work around this problem might be to copy your CVS repository to a machine where cvs2svn can run successfully, run it to convert to Subversion, and then copy the new repository back to your server. The added benefit of this method is that you won't run the risk of accidentally messing up your server configuration while doing this conversion step.