

本文介绍了最佳Subversion客户端的Windows Vista(64位)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我一直使用 TortoiseSVN的在Windows环境中很长一段时间。它似乎很功能齐全,并很好地集成到Windows外壳,更重要的是,这是相当无痛教与源代码控制很少或没有经验的同事。 然而,因为我们已经转移到Windows Vista 64位,龟一直非常马车并似乎导致许多​​explorer.exe的异常和崩溃。这与该软件的旧版本和最新版本(1.5.1建立13563)发生了两个。

I've been using TortoiseSVN in a Windows environment for quite some time. It seems very feature-complete and nicely integrated into the Windows shell, and more importantly, it's fairly painless to teach to colleagues with little or no experience with source control. However, since we have moved to Windows Vista 64bit, Tortoise has been very buggy and has seemed to cause lots of explorer.exe abnormalities and crashes. This has happened both with older versions of the software and the latest version (1.5.1 build 13563).

我很好奇,如果任何人有将运行在Windows(特别是Vista的64位)等Subversion客户端建议。开发者在这里使用了各种文本编辑器,所以使用Visual Studio或Dreamweaver中的SVN是不理想的。

I was curious if anyone has suggestions for other Subversion clients that will run on Windows (specifically Vista 64bit). Developers here use a variety of text editors so using Visual Studio or Dreamweaver for SVN is not ideal.


I have heard great things about Cornerstone, and would love something similar for Windows if it exists.


I'm correlating the Vista/explorer problems with Tortoise because they normally occur when I'm using the functionality in Tortoise. Sometimes bringing up the "merge" screen will cause the GUI to start acting very strange and eventually hang or crash.

我没有看到1.5.2 - 我现在安装,也许这将解决我的一些问题

I did not see 1.5.2 -- I'm installing now, maybe that will fix some of my issues.


我一直在使用64位版本的TortoiseSVN的年龄和我从未有过在Windows 64位或Vista 64位与它的问题。我目前不知道有任何其他similiar SVN客户端做的工作在Vista上。是否有可能的问题可能在于TortoiseSVN的配置或Vista的甚至是安装中?是在Vista本地或SP 1中出现的问题?

I have been using the 64Bit version of TortoiseSVN for ages and I have never had issues with it on Windows 64Bit or Vista 64Bit. I am currently not aware of any other similiar SVN clients that do work on Vista. Is it possible the problem could lie within the configuration of TortoiseSVN or even the installation of Vista? Is the problem occurring on Vista native or SP 1?

这篇关于最佳Subversion客户端的Windows Vista(64位)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 17:46