最近,Mercurial在连接到HTTPS服务器时已证书验证。我试图克隆一个googlecode项目的wiki仓库 https://wiki.pydlnadms.googlecode.com/hg/
,但证书是 *。googlecode.com
Recently Mercurial has added certificate validation when connecting to HTTPS servers. I'm trying to clone the wiki repository for a googlecode project at https://wiki.pydlnadms.googlecode.com/hg/
, but the certificate is for *.googlecode.com
. I was under the impression that this is called a wildcard domain and valid for all subdomains, but I'm receiving the error:
matt@stanley:~/src$ hg clone https://wiki.pydlnadms.googlecode.com/hg/ pydlnadms-wiki
abort: wiki.pydlnadms.googlecode.com certificate error: certificate is for *.googlecode.com
据说我需要将证书指纹添加到我的hgrc。 如何从命令行检索此指纹?
Allegedly I need to add the certificate fingerprint to my hgrc. How do I retrieve this fingerprint from the command line?
p> 中的页面列出了命令行为此(并打印出相关信息)。从该页面和一些man页面,它看起来像你想要的是(对于bash):
The page at http://wiki.debuntu.org/wiki/OpenSSL#Retrieving_certificate_informations lists the command lines for that (and printing out the relevant information). From that page and some of the man pages, it seems like what you want is (for bash):
openssl s_client -connect <host>:<port> < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in /dev/stdin
如果要整个证书, |
If you want the whole certificate, leave off the |
symbol and everything after it.