




My employer has a dedicated module we use for internal unit / system test; however, the author of this module no longer works here and I have been asked to test some devices with it.

问题在于pyfoo需要twisted的较旧版本(v8.2.0),并且它会在33个不同的文件中导入twisted.我尝试在v11.0.0下运行pyfoo的单元测试,但我什至看不到TCP SYN数据包.不幸的是,我已经在实验室linux服务器上安装了 twisted v11.0.0 ,并且我有自己的代码,具体取决于在上面.

The problem is that pyfoo requires an ancient version of twisted (v8.2.0) and it imports twisted in 33 different files. I tried running pyfoo's unit tests under v11.0.0 and I don't even see TCP SYN packets. Unfortunately, I have already got twisted v11.0.0 installed on my lab linux server and I have my own code that depends on it.


I have been wracking my brain for a way around this, but I can only come up with the following options:

选项A .安装新版本的python,安装virtualenv,然后在virtualenv下安装旧版本的twisted.仅在此新版本的python下运行需要pyfoo的测试.

Option A. Install a new version of python, install virtualenv, and then install an old version of twisted under the virtualenv. Only run the tests requiring pyfoo under this new version of python.

选项B .使用以下命令编辑所有33个文件:DIR = '../'; sys.path.insert(0, DIR)并将旧版本的python安装在源代码下面的相应目录中.

Option B. Edit all 33 of the files with the following: DIR = '../'; sys.path.insert(0, DIR) and install the old version of python in the appropriate directory below the source.

选项C .尝试修复pyfoo以使用v11.0.0

Option C. Attempt to fix pyfoo to use v11.0.0


Are there any options I am missing? Is there a more elegant way to solve this problem, besides Option A, above?


  1. 为了争辩而将其称为pyfoo
  2. 单元测试连接到我们的本地实验室服务器之一,并练习基本的telnet功能
  3. 这个选项几乎是入门级的... pyfoo并非微不足道,而且我的工作期限很短.
  1. Let's call it pyfoo for sake of argument
  2. The unit tests connect to one of our local lab servers and exercises basic telnet functionality
  3. This option is almost a non-starter... pyfoo is not trivial, and I have a short deadline for this work.



A better version of option B. would be to replace

import twisted


import pkg_resources
import twisted


which will arrange for the correct version of twisted to be imported, so long as it's installed, and raises an exception otherwise. This is a more portable solution.

但是,如果在pkg_resources.require调用之前引入了twisted,这将不起作用(选项B的任何其他变量也不会). twisted将已经在sys.modules

This won't work, though (nor would any other variaton of option B), if twisted gets imported before the pkg_resources.require gets called; twisted will already be in sys.modules

OP Edit :根据 pkg_resources文档

OP Edit: Minor syntax correction, per pkg_resources docs


08-04 17:15