

我知道已经有问题 下载 文件使用Laravel,但我发现的全部内容都是处理本地文件.

I know there have already been questions about downloading files with Laravel, but all I found deal with local files.


So, normally, I would do something like this:

$path = storage_path().'/my-file.pdf';
$name = 'new-name.pdf';
$headers = '....';

return response()->download($path, $name, $headers);

但是当我需要下载的文件位于外部并且位于 www.my-storage.net/files/123/my-file.pdf 下时,我该怎么办em>?

But what do I do, when the file I need to download is external, laying under www.my-storage.net/files/123/my-file.pdf ?

我可以使用 copy()函数,或者使用 file_get_contents()和Laravel的 Storage :: put(),但是我不想在本地存储文件(并在每次处理下载时).相反,我想直接通过用户的浏览器下载外部文件.

I could use the copy() function, or a combination of file_get_contents() and Laravel's Storage::put(), but I don't want to store the file locally (and temporarily) every time a download is being processed. Instead, I want to download the external file directly via user's browser.

在普通的PHP中,它类似于 .但是...

In plain PHP, it would be something like this. But...


(1) How do I prepare such Laravel download response?


(2) How do I make sure the Laravel solution stays efficient (so, e.g. no memory leaks)?



Something like the following would work:

 return response()->stream(function () {
      //Can add logic to chunk the file here if you want but the point is to stream data
      readfile("remote file");
 },200, [ "Content-Type" => "application/pdf",
          "Content-Length" => "optionally add this if you know it",
           "Content-Disposition" => "attachment; filename=\"filename.pdf\""

通过使用Symphony的 StreamedResponse

This works by using Symphony's StreamedResponse


08-04 16:45