

本文介绍了Web 服务器重定向管理的工具?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm considering rolling my own, but just in case there's a good piece of software already available, I'm asking here: Is there something that will provide an interface to webserver redirect configuration, and allow redirects to be managed by a fairly non-technical userbase. The following requirements must be fulfilled:

  • 开源
  • 阿帕奇
  • 支持内部/外部重定向
  • 支持网络服务器配置和 htaccess 或元刷新文件(适用于无法重新启动服务器的用户)
  • 有效期的日期范围


您可以使用 RewriteMap 脚本/程序,或静态地图(以您/您的用户最容易的为准).

You could use either a RewriteMap script/program, or a static map (whichever is easiest for you/your users).

检查 http://rewrite.drbacchus.com/rewritewiki/RewriteMap脚本功能的基本示例.对性能的影响并不像您想象的那么大,因为该进程仅启动一次,并且在 Apache 关闭之前一直处于活动状态.所以要小心资源管理.

Check http://rewrite.drbacchus.com/rewritewiki/RewriteMap out for a basic example of the scripting capabilities. The performance hit is not as huge as you'd think because the process is launched one time only and stays alive until Apache is brought down. So be careful with resource management.

这篇关于Web 服务器重定向管理的工具?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 15:38