我不知道为什么下面的 iframe
I wonder why the following iframe
doesn't stretch to cover the whole page:
* {
margin: 0;
border: 0;
padding: 0;
body {
height: 100%;
body {
position: relative;
iframe {
display: block;
background: tan;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
但是, / code>如预期延伸。
However, a div
stretches as expected.
div是未替换元素。当您绝对定位时,其宽度由 - 具体来说,在您的情况下,宽度在步骤5中确定。基本上方程
A div is a non-replaced element. When you absolutely position it, its width is given by the CSS rules defined in 10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements - specifically in your case, the width is determined in step 5. Essentially the equation
is used where in your CSS all the values are fixed except width, so width is computed to make the equality hold.
iframe被认为是替换元素。当您绝对定位时,其宽度由,它将宽度计算推迟到 - 即iframe没有内部宽度,因此其宽度计算通常为300px。这类似于img元素,它也不会扩展到用相同的CSS规则填充页面。但图片通常有固有宽度,因此使用宽度而不是300像素。
An iframe is considered a replaced element. When you absolutely position it, its width is given by the CSS rules defined in 10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements which defers the width calculation to the last line of the rules for 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements - i.e. the iframe does not have an intrinsic width, so its width is computed to be typically 300px. This is similar to the img element, which also won't expand to fill the page with the same CSS rules. But images normally do have an intrinsic width, so that width is used rather than 300px.
Similar rules apply for the height calculation.