




I need to find some strings that the current version of Windows is using. For example, when I create a new folder, it is initially named "New Folder" on English Vista. I need to programmatically find what that folder would be named on any language and version of Windows that I might be running on.


Anyone have any ideas how to do that?


Thanks Morinar -- I just stumbled upon that article too. Unfortunately, the stringID doesn't appear to be constant -- it's 30396 on my Vista, which isn't the same as what they show for XP. So it would appear MS didn't keep it stable.


Looks like this isn't possible...? This apps runs on computers in Germany, The Netherlands, France, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Vietnam, Taiwan, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Israel, Hungary ... You get the idea. It will take a very long time to install all the different language packs and find out what 'New Folder' is in every language.

也许最好的选择是默认为新文件夹",并让用户根据需要更改该值.我只是更喜欢让软件尽其所能,并避免用户配置_yet_another_setting _.

Perhaps the best option is to default to "New Folder" and make the user change that value if they want to. I just prefer to have the software figure out as much as it can and spare the user from configuring _yet_another_setting_.


http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2004/01/30/65013.aspx .多数情况下这是正确的,但是如果资源字符串为其他新文件夹",它将与该字符串匹配:

Shamelessly cribbed from http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2004/01/30/65013.aspx. This is mostly correct but if there is a resource string of "New Folder something else" it will match that:

LPCWSTR FindStringResourceEx(HINSTANCE hinst,
    UINT uId, UINT langId)
    // Convert the string ID into a bundle number
    LPCWSTR pwsz = NULL;
    HRSRC hrsrc = FindResourceEx(hinst, RT_STRING,
        MAKEINTRESOURCE(uId / 16 + 1),
    if (hrsrc) {
        HGLOBAL hglob = LoadResource(hinst, hrsrc);
        if (hglob) {
            pwsz = reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>
            if (pwsz) {
                // okay now walk the string table
                for (int i = 0; i < (uId & 15); i++) {
                    pwsz += 1 + (UINT)*pwsz;

                pwsz+= 1;
    return pwsz;

UINT FindResourceStringId(HMODULE resource_handle, LPCWSTR string, UINT langId)
    UINT resource_id= -1;

    for (int i= 0; i<65536; ++i)
        LPCWSTR resource_string= FindStringResourceEx(resource_handle, i, langId);

        if (resource_string && wcsncmp(resource_string, string, wcslen(string))==0)
            resource_id= i;

    return resource_id;

int main()
    HMODULE shell_handle= LoadLibraryW(L"shell32.dll");
    UINT new_folder_id= FindResourceStringId(shell_handle, L"New Folder", 0x409); // look for US English "New Folder" resource id.


08-04 14:36