




I have several of these in my code which have been working fine so far:

#If DEBUG Then
   ... some code here
#End If

现在,我注意到,,最近,里面的代码#如果DEBUG然后...... #END如果

Now, i am noticing that, lately, the code inside the " #If DEBUG Then ... #End If"gets execute also in "Release Mode".

在#if DEBUG现在被忽略(它们都在IDE或最终可执行调试被忽略)?

This is strange and did not happen before. What could have happened so thatthe #If DEBUG are now being ignored (they are ignored both in debug in the IDE or the final executable) ?


I have applied Clean, Rebuild, etc.: no luck. Thank you for any hints and help.



首先,确保你明白你是如何运行的代码,以及如何你正在构建的区别吧。太多的人等同于调试版本和在调试器启动而不是与发行版,在调试器启动。他们是完全正交 - 你可以在调试器启动发布版本(一般可用较少的信息),你可以在调试器无法启动调试版本。道歉,如果你已经意识到了这一点。

Firstly, make sure you understand the difference between how you're running the code and how you're building it. Too many people equate "launching in a debugger" with "the debug version" and "launching not in a debugger" with "the release version". They're completely orthogonal - you can launch a release build in a debugger (typically with less information available) and you can launch a debug build not in a debugger. Apologies if you were already aware of this.

现在,假设你真的有无的改变你正在构建为Release项目配置,您需要检查项目属性为特定的配置。我不知道它是什么样子的VB,但在C#中的项目属性,在构建选项卡中,将有定义的符号列表 - 的是影响是否#如果DEBUG 代码被编译或没有。 ?也许有人复制了项目配置从调试到发布

Now, assuming you really have changed the project configuration you're building to Release, you need to check the project properties for that specific configuration. I don't know what it looks like in VB, but in C# in the project properties, in the build tab, there will be a list of defined symbols - that is what affects whether #if DEBUG code is built or not. Perhaps someone has copied over the project configuration from Debug into Release?


#error This shouldn't happen


In a release build, that should build without error. In debug, it won't.


Another option is that your overall solution configuration is now referring to the wrong project configuration types. I can't remember the exact menu name, but if you look around Project for Configuration Manager, you should be able to bring up a grid mapping "Project" and "Solution Configuration" to the project configuration to build.


08-04 14:26