



我正在使用使用iTerm2,OhMyZsh和Powerlevel10k主题的Mac.我已经直接从Powerlevel10k文档中安装了推荐的字体,并根据文档更新了Terminal,iTerm2和VS Code中的字体设置,并且大多数情况下都可以运行,只是在提示的末尾总是有一些意外的字符(通常是!1或!2).到目前为止,我在文档,论坛搜索或互联网搜索中都找不到任何帮助.

I'm using a Mac using iTerm2, OhMyZsh, and the Powerlevel10k theme. I've installed the recommended fonts directly from the Powerlevel10k docs, updated the settings for fonts in Terminal, iTerm2, and VS Code according to the docs, and it mostly works, except that there is always some unexpected character at the end of the prompt (usually !1 or !2). I've found nothing in the docs, searches of forums, or internet searches that helps with this so far.



Any hints that could help me resolve this, even just the right search term to help me find answers would be much appreciated.


来自 Powerlevel10k常见问题解答:


When using Lean, Classic or Rainbow style, Git status may look like this:

feature:master ⇣42⇡42 ⇠42⇢42 *42 merge ~42 +42 !42 ?42


| Symbol    | Meaning                                                              | Source                                                 |
| --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| `feature` | current branch; replaced with `#tag` or `@commit` if not on a branch | `git status --ignore-submodules=dirty`                 |
| `master`  | remote tracking branch; only shown if different from local branch    | `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}` |
| `⇣42`     | this many commits behind the remote                                  | `git status --ignore-submodules=dirty`                 |
| `⇡42`     | this many commits ahead of the remote                                | `git status --ignore-submodules=dirty`                 |
| `⇠42`     | this many commits behind the push remote                             | `git rev-list --left-right --count HEAD...@{push}`     |
| `⇢42`     | this many commits ahead of the push remote                           | `git rev-list --left-right --count HEAD...@{push}`     |
| `*42`     | this many stashes                                                    | `git stash list`                                       |
| `merge`   | repository state                                                     | `git status --ignore-submodules=dirty`                 |
| `~42`     | this many merge conflicts                                            | `git status --ignore-submodules=dirty`                 |
| `+42`     | this many staged changes                                             | `git status --ignore-submodules=dirty`                 |
| `!42`     | this many unstaged changes                                           | `git status --ignore-submodules=dirty`                 |
| `?42`     | this many untracked files                                            | `git status --ignore-submodules=dirty`                 |
| `─`       | the number of staged, unstaged or untracked files is unknown         | `echo $POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_MAX_INDEX_SIZE_DIRTY` or `git config --get bash.showDirtyState` |



08-04 13:57