






1st Table:UserPicks

I'm trying to make a Football pool where the user picks the winner of each game. Then I would like to display users picks and the word Won or Lost next to the users picks. I also would like to display the number of wins each user has.

I have the first part working but I'm trying to count the wins in each row.

I have 2 tables.

1st Table: UserPicks

Columns: FullName, Week, Game_1, Game_2, Game_3, Game_4, Game_5

2nd Table:WeeklyResults - 仅赢得团队的名称

2nd Table: WeeklyResults - Only name of teams that won

Columns: Week, GameResults_1, GameResults_2, GameResults_3, GameResults_4, GameResults_5




Thanks for any help you give...

What I have tried:

This displays a Win or Lost. This is working good

SELECT UserPicks.FullName, UserPicks.Game_1, UserPicks.Game_2, UserPicks.Game_3, UserPicks.Game_4, UserPicks.Game_5,
       (CASE WHEN UserPicks.Game_1 = WeeklyResults.GameResults_1 THEN 'Win' ELSE 'Lost' END) AS GameResult_1,
       (CASE WHEN UserPicks.Game_2 = WeeklyResults.GameResults_2 THEN 'Win' ELSE 'Lost' END) AS GameResult_2,
       (CASE WHEN UserPicks.Game_3 = WeeklyResults.GameResults_3 THEN 'Win' ELSE 'Lost' END) AS GameResult_3,
       (CASE WHEN UserPicks.Game_4 = WeeklyResults.GameResults_4 THEN 'Win' ELSE 'Lost' END) AS GameResult_4,
	   (CASE WHEN UserPicks.Game_5 = WeeklyResults.GameResults_5 THEN 'Win' ELSE 'Lost' END) AS GameResult_5
 FROM UserPicks
 JOIN WeeklyResults ON UserPicks.Week = WeeklyResults.Week
WHERE WeeklyResults.Week = 'Week1'

这是我尝试计算胜利的代码:< br>但是它无法正常工作

This is my code to try and count the wins:<br> But it's not working correctly

SELECT  FullName, SUM(CASE WHEN UserPicks.Game_1 = WeeklyResults.GameResults_1 THEN 1
			               WHEN UserPicks.Game_2 = WeeklyResults.GameResults_2 THEN 1
			               WHEN UserPicks.Game_3 = WeeklyResults.GameResults_3 THEN 1
				           WHEN UserPicks.Game_4 = WeeklyResults.GameResults_4 THEN 1
				           WHEN UserPicks.Game_5 = WeeklyResults.GameResults_5 THEN 1 END) AS [Count of Wins]
  FROM UserPicks
  JOIN WeeklyResults ON UserPicks.Week = WeeklyResults.Week
  GROUP BY FullName


SELECT FullName, Game_1, Game_2, Game_3, Game_4, Game_5, GameResult_1 + GameResult_2 + GameResult_3 + GameResult_4 + GameResult_5 AS TotalPoints
    SELECT UserPicks.FullName, UserPicks.Game_1, UserPicks.Game_2, UserPicks.Game_3, UserPicks.Game_4, UserPicks.Game_5,
       (CASE WHEN UserPicks.Game_1 = WeeklyResults.GameResults_1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS GameResult_1,
       (CASE WHEN UserPicks.Game_2 = WeeklyResults.GameResults_2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS GameResult_2,
       (CASE WHEN UserPicks.Game_3 = WeeklyResults.GameResults_3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS GameResult_3,
       (CASE WHEN UserPicks.Game_4 = WeeklyResults.GameResults_4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS GameResult_4,
	   (CASE WHEN UserPicks.Game_5 = WeeklyResults.GameResults_5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS GameResult_5
 FROM UserPicks
 JOIN WeeklyResults ON UserPicks.Week = WeeklyResults.Week
WHERE WeeklyResults.Week = 'Week1' ) AS CommonData



As to 2.
Assuming that your query returns something like this:

FullName	Game1	Game2	Game3	Game4	Game5	GameResult1	GameResult2	GameResult3	GameResult4	GameResult5
User1	Game1	Game2	Game3	Game4	Game5	1	1	0	1	0
User1	Game1	Game2	Game3	Game4	Game5	1	0	1	1	0
User1	Game1	Game2	Game3	Game4	Game5	0	1	1	1	1
User1	Game1	Game2	Game3	Game4	Game5	1	1	0	0	0
User1	Game1	Game2	Game3	Game4	Game5	0	1	0	1	0



-- Create the table and insert sample data.  
DECLARE @commondata TABLE (FullName VARCHAR(30), Game1 VARCHAR(30), Game2 VARCHAR(30), Game3 VARCHAR(30), Game4 VARCHAR(30), Game5 VARCHAR(30),
    GameResult1 INT, GameResult2 INT, GameResult3 INT, GameResult4 INT, GameResult5 INT)

INSERT INTO @commondata (FullName, Game1, Game2 , Game3, Game4, Game5,
    GameResult1, GameResult2, GameResult3, GameResult4, GameResult5)
VALUES ('User1', 'Game1', 'Game2', 'Game3', 'Game4', 'Game5', 1,1,0,1,0),
('User1', 'Game1', 'Game2', 'Game3', 'Game4', 'Game5', 1,0,1,1,0),
('User1', 'Game1', 'Game2', 'Game3', 'Game4', 'Game5', 0,1,1,1,1),
('User1', 'Game1', 'Game2', 'Game3', 'Game4', 'Game5', 1,1,0,0,0),
('User1', 'Game1', 'Game2', 'Game3', 'Game4', 'Game5', 0,1,0,1,0)

-- Unpivot the table.  
SELECT FullName, Game, SUM(Points) As Total
   (SELECT *
   FROM @commondata) pvt
   (Points FOR Game IN
      (GameResult1, GameResult2, GameResult3, GameResult4, GameResult5)
)AS unpvt
GROUP BY FullName, Game



FullName	Game	Total
User1	GameResult1	3
User1	GameResult2	4
User1	GameResult3	2
User1	GameResult4	4
User1	GameResult5	1

如果你只想要 FullName 和总积分,删除游戏列fr om SELECT list和 GROUP BY 声明。

In case you want only FullName and total points, remove Game column from SELECT list and GROUP BY statement.


08-04 12:34