



我有一个(相对)大的List<cNode> nodes其中

I have a (relatively) big List<cNode> nodes where

class cNode
    int nodeNumber;
    cVector vector;

甚至更大(约14e6个条目)List<cNodeCoincidence> coincidences其中

and an even bigger (ca. 14e6 entries) List<cNodeCoincidence> coincidences where

class cNodeCoincidence
    cNode node1;
    cNode node2;


My nodes represent points in 3D and my coincidences resembles what was formerly a mesh consisting of triangles, condensed from a STL file. I know for a fact (and the user made his input accordingly), that my node-mesh is actually 4 seperate meshes in one node/coincidence list. My goal is to extract the nodes of each sub-mesh to its own nodelist. To achieve this, I start with one node for each sub-mesh, which I know to be part of said sub-mesh. Cue a recursive function:

private void AssembleSubMesh(ReadOnlyCollection<cNode> in_nodesToRead, List<cNode> in_nodesAlreadyRead)
    List<cNode> newNodesToRead = new List<cNode>();
    List<cNodeCoincidence> foundCoincidences = coincidences.Where(x => (in_nodesToRead.Any(y => y == x.node1)) || in_nodesToRead.Any(z => z == x.node2)).ToList();
    List<cNode> allRemainingNodes = new List<cNode>();
    foreach (cNodeCoincidence nc in foundCoincidences)
    allRemainingNodes = allRemainingNodes.Distinct().ToList();
    allRemainingNodes.RemoveAll(x => in_nodesAlreadyRead.Contains(x));
    if (allRemainingNodes.Count != 0)
        AssembleSubMesh(new ReadOnlyCollection<cNode>(allRemainingNodes), in_nodesAlreadyRead);

,它被AssembleSubMesh(new ReadOnlyCollection<cNode>(firstNodeIKnow), globalResultListForSubmesh);调用,从而将递归的结果写到一个更全局的列表中.

which is called by: AssembleSubMesh(new ReadOnlyCollection<cNode>(firstNodeIKnow), globalResultListForSubmesh); thus writing the results of the recursion to a more global list.


This procedure works (tested with small mesh), but is painfully slow (over 15 hours before I aborted the process).



I found this SO post and had a look at this lecture and it seems, that there might be a chance that this (especially WQUPC) is what I need, but I don't understand how exactly it could help, because they only have a node list and I additionally have the coincidence list which would be a shame not to use, really (?).


Could a database help (because of indexing)?


您需要能够识别 edge .这是2个顶点之间的单个连接(找不到更多其他连接).我假设所有三角形都有所有顶点,因此它们是重复的.当然,这取决于网格的尺寸,但是不应该花费太多时间.

You need to be able to identify edge. which is a a single connection between 2 vertices (no more other connections found). I assume that there are all vertices for all triangles, so they are duplicated. It depends on the dimension of your mesh sure, but it shouldn't take so much time.


You need to define dictionaries, which will pump your app's memory, but will also dramatically increase speed with guaranteed O(1) access.




2) scan it and construct appropriate data structuresIf you observe any CAD modelling software it takes much more time then it should during loading of meshes, for the same reason: they need to scan data loaded and construct appropriate data structures to be able to process that data after as fast as it possible.


3) use those data structures to get information you need as fast as it possible.


So choose data structures and keys wisely, to meet requirements of your application.


08-04 12:30