

我有一个全屏谷歌地图,HTML / CSS工具栏覆盖在地图上,还有一组地图标记。有没有一种方法可以确保存在标记和地图边缘之间是否有足够的填充,以便工具栏不会遮挡标记?


strong>我尝试添加一个控件,详情请参阅 ,但地图并没有完全意识到它 - 请参阅从。其中一个标记仍然被控制遮挡。


PHP使地图适合你的谷歌地图canvas: p>


  $ queryMaxMin ='SELECT max(Nr_Coordinate_Latitude)AS maxLat,min(Nr_Coordinate_Latitude)AS minLat,max(Nr_Coordinate_Longitude)AS maxLng, min(Nr_Coordinate_Longitude)AS minLng FROM coordinate'; 
$ resultMaxMin = mysql_query($ queryMaxMin);
if(count($ resultMaxMin)> 0){
$ rowMaxMin = mysql_fetch_array($ resultMaxMin);
$ distance = distanceGeoPoints($ rowMaxMin ['maxLat'],$ rowMaxMin ['maxLng'],$ rowMaxMin ['minLat'],$ rowMaxMin ['minLng']);

b。然后取对角线(maxLat,minLng)到(minLat,maxLng)并使用geometry.spherical库或任何你喜欢的算法计算距离 - 地球不是球形的女孩和男孩,不同的模型可以更好地计算面积/距离在你所在的地区(wikipedia有一个关于算法的伟大文章)

pre $函数distanceGeoPoints($ lat1,$ lng1,$ lat2 ,$ lng2){
$ earthRadius = 3958.75;
$ dLat = deg2rad($ lat2- $ lat1);
$ dLng = deg2rad($ lng2- $ lng1);
$ a = sin($ dLat / 2)* sin($ dLat / 2)+
cos(deg2rad($ lat1))* cos(deg2rad($ lat2))*
sin ($ dLng / 2)* sin($ dLng / 2);
$ c = 2 * atan2(sqrt($ a),sqrt(1- $ a));
$ dist = $ earthRadius * $ c;
$ meterConversion = 1609;
$ geopointDistance = $ dist * $ meterConversion;
返回$ geopointDistance;


  $ zoomFactor [0] = null; 
$ zoomFactor [1] = null;
$ zoomFactor [2] = null;
$ zoomFactor [3] = null;
$ zoomFactor [4] = null;
$ zoomFactor [5] = 2000000;
$ zoomFactor [6] = 1000000;
$ zoomFactor [7] = 500000;
$ zoomFactor [8] = 250000;
$ zoomFactor [9] = 120000;
$ zoomFactor [10] = 60000;
$ zoomFactor [11] = 30000;
$ zoomFactor [12] = 15000;
$ zoomFactor [13] = 7500;
$ zoomFactor [14] = 3500;
$ zoomFactor [15] = 2000;
$ zoomFactor [16] = 1100;
$ zoomFactor [17] = 500;
$ zoomFactor [18] = null;
$ zoomFactor [19] = null;
$ zoomFactor [20] = null;


$ zoomFactorFinal =''; ((距离> 500)&&($ distance< 2000000)){
for($ i = 20; $ i> 0; $ i--){
if(!is_null($ zoomFactor [$ i])){
if($ distance< ($ zoomFactor [$ i])){
$ zoomFactorFinal。='& z ='。$ i;
$ zoomInt = $ i;
$ i = 0;
// echo'SUCESSO'。$ zoomFactorFinal;

} else {
if($ distance $ zoomFactorFinal。='& z = 16 ;
$ zoomInt = 16;

if($ distance> = 2000000){
$ zoomFactorFinal。='& z = 2';
$ zoomInt = 2;

f。最后,如果要在画布显示中嵌入或使用setZoom()方法的变体,请将$ zoomFactorFinal附加到您的Google地图网址上。

I have a full screen Google map with HTML/CSS toolbars overlaid on the map, and a set of map markers.

Is there a way to ensure there is enough padding between the markers and the edges of the map, so that no markers are obscured by the toolbars?

(Codepen in case the code below doesn't work)

function initMap() {
  var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
    draggable: true,
    streetViewControl: false,
    zoomControl: false

  var marker1 = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: {lat: 37, lng: -121},
    map: map,

  var marker2 = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: {lat: 39.3, lng: -122},
    map: map,

  var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
#map {
  height: 640px;
  width: 360px;
#overlays {
  position: absolute;
  height: 50px;
  width: 340px;
  background: white;
  margin: -80px 10px;
  text-align: center;
  line-height: 50px;
/* Optional: Makes the sample page fill the window. */
html, body {
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Simple markers</title>

    <div id="map"></div>
    <div id="overlays">Controls / Order pizza / ETA / etc.</div>

    <script async defer

The problem is this:

UPDATE I've tried adding a control as documented at Custom controls, but the map isn't exactly aware of it - see this fiddle forked from the Maps custom control example. One of the markers is still obscured by the control.


PHP to make your map fit into your google maps canvas:

a. create a maxmin frame around your imagine wiht maxLat, minLat, maxLng and minLng from everything that you want to show.

$queryMaxMin = 'SELECT max(Nr_Coordinate_Latitude) AS maxLat, min(Nr_Coordinate_Latitude) AS minLat, max(Nr_Coordinate_Longitude) AS maxLng, min(Nr_Coordinate_Longitude) AS minLng FROM coordinate ';
$resultMaxMin = mysql_query($queryMaxMin);
if (count($resultMaxMin) > 0) {
    $rowMaxMin = mysql_fetch_array($resultMaxMin);
    include ('distanceGeoPoints.php');
    $distance = distanceGeoPoints($rowMaxMin['maxLat'], $rowMaxMin['maxLng'], $rowMaxMin['minLat'], $rowMaxMin['minLng']);

b. then take the diagonal (maxLat, minLng) to (minLat, maxLng) and calculate the distance using the geometry.spherical library or any algorithm you like - the earth is NOT spherical girls and boys, different models are better equiped to calculate area/distance in your region of the world (wikipedia has a great article on algorithms)

function distanceGeoPoints ($lat1, $lng1, $lat2, $lng2) {
$earthRadius = 3958.75;
$dLat = deg2rad($lat2-$lat1);
$dLng = deg2rad($lng2-$lng1);
$a = sin($dLat/2) * sin($dLat/2) +
   cos(deg2rad($lat1)) * cos(deg2rad($lat2)) *
   sin($dLng/2) * sin($dLng/2);
$c = 2 * atan2(sqrt($a), sqrt(1-$a));
$dist = $earthRadius * $c;
// from miles
$meterConversion = 1609;
$geopointDistance = $dist * $meterConversion;
return $geopointDistance;

c. depending on your canvas's dimensions, set up a zoom factor array (this is mine):

$zoomFactor[0] = null;
$zoomFactor[1] = null;
$zoomFactor[2] = null;
$zoomFactor[3] = null;
$zoomFactor[4] = null;
$zoomFactor[5] = 2000000;
$zoomFactor[6] = 1000000;
$zoomFactor[7] = 500000;
$zoomFactor[8] = 250000;
$zoomFactor[9] = 120000;
$zoomFactor[10] = 60000;
$zoomFactor[11] = 30000;
$zoomFactor[12] = 15000;
$zoomFactor[13] = 7500;
$zoomFactor[14] = 3500;
$zoomFactor[15] = 2000;
$zoomFactor[16] = 1100;
$zoomFactor[17] = 500;
$zoomFactor[18] = null;
$zoomFactor[19] = null;
$zoomFactor[20] = null;

d. then create a routine that takes the distance you got in step b and check it against array:

// zoom factor establish
$zoomFactorFinal = '';
if (($distance > 500) && ($distance < 2000000))  {
    include ('zoomFactor.php');
    for ($i=20;$i>0;$i--) {
        if (!is_null($zoomFactor[$i])) {
            if ($distance < ($zoomFactor[$i])) {
                // save until distance is smaller than
                $zoomFactorFinal .= '&z='.$i;
                $zoomInt = $i;
                $i = 0;
                //echo 'SUCESSO '.$zoomFactorFinal;
} else {
    if ($distance <= 500)  {
        $zoomFactorFinal .= '&z=16';
        $zoomInt = 16;
    if ($distance >= 2000000)  {
        $zoomFactorFinal .= '&z=2';
        $zoomInt = 2;

f. finally, append the $zoomFactorFinal to your googlemaps URL if you are embedding or use a variation of setZoom() method on your canvas display


09-03 06:23