部门(dep_no int PK,dep_name nvarchar),-LEVEL的父表
第二个表是LEVEL(lvl_dep_key int PK,dep_no int FK& PK,lvl_id nvarchar Pk)-课程的父表&部门的子表
第三张表是课程(lvl_dep_key int FK& PK,cors_id nvarchar PK,cors_name nvarchar,price money)-LEVEL的子表
Hi, i create these three tables one is
department(dep_no int PK , dep_name nvarchar ), -- parent table of LEVEL
second table is LEVEL(lvl_dep_key int PK , dep_no int FK & PK , lvl _id nvarchar Pk) -- parent table of courses & the child table of department
i make the lvl_dep_key as a super key for both lvl_id and dep_no columns
to relate it to the children tables instead of taken both lvl_id and dep_no columns to these tables
third table is courses( lvl_dep_key int FK & PK , cors_id nvarchar PK, cors_name nvarchar,price money) -- the child table of LEVEL
so when i tried to create the relationship between LEVEL table and courses table by these columns which is (lvl_dep_key of LEVEL table , and lvl_dep_key of courses table i get this error message " the columns in table [LEVEL] do not match an existing primary key or UNIQUE constraint ", i googled to know what it''s mean but no benefit . so can any help me to solve this problem plzzzzzzzzzz. thanks