


I'm looking for a good open source (with LGPL or a permissive license) indexing engine for a node.js application, something like Lucene. I'm looking for in-process indexing and search and am not interested in indexing servers like Sphinx or Solr.

我不怕为C / C ++创建绑定图书馆要么我也愿意接受这些建议。

I am not afraid to create bindings for a C/C++ library either so I'm open to those kind of suggestions as well.


  • node-clucene ,似乎不再积极维护(并且有几个未解决的问题)

  • 我可以创建我的自己绑定 CLucene ,但似乎维护得很少,而且它的当前版本也远远落后于Java Lucene

  • Apache Lucy 这似乎是为了创建动态语言的绑定而设计的,但到目前为止它们没有节点绑定(也没有C API),我没有找到任何关于创建绑定的文档。我也没有找到关于其性能的任何基准。

  • node-search 似乎被放弃了

  • jsii 这似乎仍然是一个原型而且也被放弃了

  • 全面保护,这只是为了在网络浏览器中运行

  • lunr.js 这似乎只允许序列化整个索引,所以不可扩展

  • node-clucene which doesn't seem to be actively maintained anymore (and has several open issues)
  • I could create my own binding for CLucene but it seems to be quite sparsely maintained and its current version is also quite behind the Java Lucene
  • Apache Lucy which seems to be designed for the purpose of creating bindings for dynamic languages, but so far they don't have node bindings (nor a C API) and I haven't found any docs about creating bindings. I also didn't find any benchmarks about its performance.
  • node-search which seems to be abandoned
  • jsii which seems to be still a prototype and is also abandoned
  • fullproof which is only intended to run in a web broswer
  • lunr.js which seems to only allow serializing the whole index, so isn't scalable


I could "roll my own", but I'd prefer to use an already existing solution.


Why I'm not interested in a standalone index server: I use a fast in-process key-value store database, so it'd be quite a waste having to go out of process for querying.


上面的答案只是一个更新 - 因为有太多讨论我不想让这个更新迷路。

Just an update to my answer above- since there was so much discussion I didnt want this update to get lost.



08-04 10:49