



在编程中通常会搜索符号,特别是在您不熟悉某种语言时.例如,我有一个关于Python中::运算符的问题,那是不可搜索的.寻找这种或Object [](对象数组)之类的东西的人找不到他们想要的东西.

Searching for symbols is a common in programming, especially when you are new to a language.For example, I had a question about the :: operator in Python, and that is not searchable. People looking for things like this or Object [] (array of Objects), would not find what they want.


Why do search engines seem to ignore symbols completely? They are just characters like any others. I can see whyit would be hard to extract semantics from symbols compared to words (eg: a search engine can figure out that "find," "finds," "found" are all related, if not the same word),but is it really that hard to search for them?


I can also see why in everyday use you'd want symbols to be ignored, but how hard would itbe to make it look for something explicitly (eg: "::" would search for ::)




Google ignores some punctuation and special characters, including ! ?

、. ; [] @/#< >.

, . ; [ ] @ / # < > .

因为标点符号通常不是 和周围的文字一样重要 Google忽略了大多数标点符号 您的搜索字词.有 例外,例如C ++和$ 99. 数学符号,例如/,< ;、 和>,不会被Google的忽略 计算器.

Because punctuation is typically not as important as the text around it, Google ignores most punctuation in your search terms. There are exceptions, e.g., C++ and $99. Mathematical symbols, such as /, <, and >, are not ignored by Google's calculator.

[Ruth博士]返回相同的结果 作为[露丝博士]

[ Dr. Ruth ] returns the same results as [ Dr Ruth ]

如果您正在寻找信息怎么办 其中包括Google标点符号 忽略例如电子邮件地址?只是 输入整个内容,包括 标点符号.

What if you're seeking information that includes punctuation that Google ignores, e.g., an email address? Just enter the whole thing including the punctuation.

* [ info@amazon.com ]

请注意,有时网页 伪装电子邮件地址 收集这样的信息很困难 垃圾邮件发送者.例如,在一些 您会在其中找到@符号的网站 电子邮件地址替换为单词 在."

Be aware that web pages sometimes camouflage email addresses to make collecting such information difficult for spammers. For example, on some sites you'll find the @ sign in an email address replaced with the word "at."

现在我们来看一些特殊的 Google不会忽略的字符.

Now we'll look at some special characters that Google doesn't ignore.


08-04 10:36