


I've just done my first ever Docker deployment, when i run this command to see the status of recent processes...

docker ps -a



My question is; what are those name referring to?


您可以在 pkg/namesgenerator中看到这些名称/names-generator.go .

Those are random names generated for each container you are running.
You can see those names at pkg/namesgenerator/names-generator.go.

// Docker, starting from 0.7.x, generates names from notable scientists and hackers.
// Please, for any amazing man that you add to the list, consider adding an equally amazing woman to it, and vice versa.
right = [...]string{
    // Muhammad ibn Jābir al-Ḥarrānī al-Battānī was a founding father of astronomy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu%E1%B8%A5ammad_ibn_J%C4%81bir_al-%E1%B8%A4arr%C4%81n%C4%AB_al-Batt%C4%81n%C4%AB

    // Frances E. Allen, became the first female IBM Fellow in 1989. In 2006, she became the first female recipient of the ACM's Turing Award. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frances_E._Allen

您可以通过添加 -name docker run 命令.

You could have fixed name by adding --name to your docker run commands.

这种做法是 commit 0d29244 中引入的://github.com/crosbymichael"rel =" nofollow noreferrer> Michael Crosby( crosbymichael ) for docker 0.6.5 in 2013. October:

That practice was introduced in commit 0d29244 by Michael Crosby (crosbymichael) for docker 0.6.5 in Oct. 2013:

Solomon Hykes( shykes )演变为在docker 0.7中使用提交5d6ef317 :


08-04 10:15