

本文介绍了在 iTunes Connect 中更改新应用程序版本号的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我相信我设法让自己在 iTunes Connect 中陷入某种奇怪的死锁.

I believe I managed to somehow put myself in some kind of weird dead lock in iTunes Connect.

我有一个当前版本为 2.14 的应用.写完更新后,我决定给新版本2.2编号.iTunes Connect 允许我这样做.

I have an app with 2.14 as the current version. After writing an update, I decided to number the new version 2.2. iTunes Connect allowed me to do this.

当我尝试验证新版本时,它告诉我在 iTunes Connect world 中 2.2 不高于 2.14.没关系,我非常愿意在编译到 2.20 时更改编号.但是,当我提交时,它不会上传到页面上的版本构建部分.

When I tried to validate the new version, it told me that in the iTunes connect world 2.2 is not higher than 2.14. That is OK and I was more than willing to change the numbering when compiling to 2.20. However, when I submit, it doesn't upload to the version build section on the page.

我想更改新版本号,使其与我编译时的编号相符,或者删除新版本以便我可以制作一个新版本 - 但面板上没有任何地方可以这样做!!!

I want to change the new version number so it would fit with the number I have when compiling, or remove the new version so I can make a new one - but there is no where to do it on the panel!!!



在General App Information"部分有一个Version字段,在App Icon File和Apple Id下面,你可以在那里更改编号

there is a Version field within the section "General App Information", below the App Icon File and Apple Id, you can change the number there

这篇关于在 iTunes Connect 中更改新应用程序版本号的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 09:56