

本文介绍了Apple验证要求Sandbox Tester用户ID的电子邮件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在使用iTunesConnect中创建的测试用户沙箱ID购买非耗材产品时遇到问题。我在创建ID之后等了一天才尝试使用它们。首先,我确保根据Settings / iTunes& amp; App Store上的设备。然后,当我在真实设备上的模拟器中运行我的应用程序并单击我的购买按钮并使用测试用户ID登录时,我会弹出一个弹出文件,说明必须验证ID,如果我单击验证将发送验证电子邮件按钮。现在,我知道我不应该验证测试ID(因为根据,该操作将ID转换为实际帐户)。我也可以选择忽略验证 - 如果我点击它,没有任何反应 - 我希望购买过程继续,但事实并非如此。是的,当然,我正在实际设备上运行模拟。而且,虽然我开始没有在iTunes / App Store的设置中输入ID,但是当我在收到上述内容后返回时,我自己的Apple ID现在显示为已登录!这可能与我激活Apple的双因素身份验证有关吗?我上周刚转过身。

I'm having a problem getting the Test User sandbox IDs I've created in iTunesConnect to purchase a non-consumable product. I wait a day after I create the IDs before trying to use them. First, I make sure no ID is signed in according to Settings/iTunes & App Store on the device. Then, when I run my app in Simulator on a real device and click my Buy button and sign on with a Test User ID, I get a popup saying the ID must be verified and that a verification email will be sent if I click the Verify button. Now, I know I should not verify a Test ID (because according to this SO question/answer, that action turns the ID into an actual account). I'm also given the option to Ignore the verification -- if I click that, nothing happens -- I'd expect the purchase process to continue, but it doesn't. Yes, of course, I'm running the simulation on an actual device. And, though I start out with no ID entered in Settings for iTunes/App Store, when I go back after receiving the above, my own Apple ID now appears as signed-in! Could this have something to do with my activating Apple's Two-Factor Authentication? I just turned that on last week.


我终于让iTunes Connect沙盒用户工作了。为此,我来验证沙盒用户的帐户,因此需要有效的电子邮件地址才能这样做。

I have finally got iTunes Connect sandbox users to work. In order to do so I had to verify the sandbox user's account and hence needed a valid email address to do so.



This goes against how I had always created and used sandbox users from day 1, but either there's been an undocumented change or is the current hack for the current iTunesConnect server maladies.

  • I可以确认生成的收据是沙盒收据。

  • 该用户是沙盒用户。

  • 我还没有输入或使用信用卡付款。


  1. 转到iTunesConnect - >用户&角色 - >沙盒用户并添加新用户

  2. 使用有效电子邮件地址。提示:真正的Gmail帐户和 + 符号可以生成许多有效的电子邮件。 ie [email protected] [email protected] etc where [email protected] 是一个有效的Gmail帐户。

  3. 等待来自iTunes的验证电子邮件。

  4. 点击验证链接验证沙盒用户。提示:使用隐身浏览器将您的真实和沙盒Apple会话分开。

  1. Go to iTunesConnect -> Users & Roles -> Sandbox User and add a new user
  2. Use a valid email address. Tip: A real gmail account and the + symbol can generate many valid emails. i.e. [email protected], [email protected] etc where [email protected] is a valid gmail account.
  3. Wait for verify email from iTunes.
  4. Verify the sandbox user by clicking on verification link. Tip: Use incognito browser to keep your real and sandbox Apple sessions separate.

这篇关于Apple验证要求Sandbox Tester用户ID的电子邮件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 09:49