I have tried do submit an application via Xcode (as well as the application loader) to the Apple store, and I received the following error:
我检查了文件生成的文件/项目设置,我没有根据Bundle Programming Guide找不到什么。
I checked the files generated files/project settings and I didn't find what's wrong according to the Bundle Programming Guide.
We have attempted to clean our code repository, as well as do clean builds by updated the build folder locations as well as the derived data locations and still get the same error.
The only feedback that Apple has given us is a query about whether we use 3rd party libraries, which we do. This has only happened as of a few days ago.
Any suggestions or step by step instructions to get our binaries uploaded would be greatly appreciated.
我们正在使用版本4.6.2(4H1003)以及Application Loader 2.8上传到iTunes,我们之前已经部署了多个具有完全相同结构的应用程序(最后一个应用程序是在2天之前部署的发生错误,现在尝试将最后一个工作二进制文件重新上载到备用应用程序[在更改相关应用程序特定信息后]失败)。
We are using Version 4.6.2 (4H1003) as well as Application Loader 2.8 to upload to iTunes, and we have deployed multiple apps with the exact same structure previously (last app was deployed 2 days prior to the error occuring, and now attempting to reupload the last working binary to an alternate app [after changing relevant app specific info] fails).
go to
/ Users / myusername / Library / Developer / Xcode / Archives
go to the current folder for the latest archive.
right-click the .xarchive and select 'show package contents'
在'products / applications'目录中导航
navigate inside the 'products/applications' directory
右键单击myAppName.app并选择show package contents
right-click the myAppName.app and select 'show package contents'
delete the exe at the very bottom that was not named myAppName.exe
这篇关于无效的捆绑结构 - iOS的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!