本文介绍了如何从iTunes Connect中删除tvOS应用程序?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 将tvOS应用添加到现有iOS应用后,是否可以从iTunes Connect中删除tvOS应用?Is it possible to remove tvOS app from iTunes Connect after adding tvOS app to existing iOS app?例如,您将tvOS应用添加到当前的iOS应用中,但后来你改变了主意,那么你是否必须习惯iTunes Connect上的tvOS - 准备提交标签?For example, you added tvOS app to your current iOS app, but later you changed your mind, then do you have to get used to "tvOS - Prepare for Submission" label on iTunes Connect?谢谢。推荐答案我通过iTunes Connect支持下了电话。他们的高级支持人员确认,一旦创建了tvOS目标,就无法移除它。您需要在AppleTV的隐私政策字段中添加虚拟文本,并将tvOS目标保持孤立状态,并且永远不会在应用的生命周期内提交。I got off the phone with iTunes Connect support. Their senior support staff confirms that there is no way to remove a tvOS target at this time once it is created. You will need to put dummy text in your "Privacy policy for AppleTV" field and simply leave the tvOS target orphaned and never submitted for the lifetime of your app. iTunes Connect常见问题解答另有说明,但似乎实际上并没有这样实现:The iTunes Connect FAQ claims otherwise, but it appears to not actually be implemented that way: 什么是通用购买应用程序? 通用购买允许您的客户购买您的应用程序一次,然后在所有连接平台上访问它,例如在iPhone和Apple TV上。请记住,如果您现在创建单独的tvOS和iOS应用程序,则需要,以后您不能将它们作为全球购买。在App Review批准后,您也无法从应用中删除任何平台。 What is a universal purchase app? Universal purchase allows your customers to purchase your app once, and then access it on all connected platforms, such as on iPhone and Apple TV. Keep in mind that if you create separate tvOS and iOS apps now, you can't make them a universal purchase later. You also can’t remove any platforms from an app after it's been approved by App Review.在当前状态下,实际上,您无法从应用永久删除任何平台。In current state, you actually can't remove any platforms from an app ever. 这篇关于如何从iTunes Connect中删除tvOS应用程序?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-04 09:47