我试图减小目前为 48MB 的 iOS 应用程序的整体大小.当我分析子文件夹时,我发现 Assets.car 占用了 41MB.我无法打开并查看哪个占用了那么多空间.
I have trying to reduce the overall size of my iOS application which is currently 48MB. When I analyze sub folders, I found Assets.car is taking 41MB. I am not able to open and see which one is taking that much space.
我找不到关于 Assets.car 文件的任何好的文档.有人可以建议如何查看内容吗?
I couldn't find any good documentation regarding Assets.car file. Can someone suggest how to view the contents?
此工具可以提取 .car 存档:https://github.com/steventroughtonsmith/cartool
This tool can extract a .car archive: https://github.com/steventroughtonsmith/cartool
从 github 下载 zip 后,在 Xcode 中编译它以生成命令行工具.然后展开Products
文件并在finder 中找到它.然后您可以像这样运行该工具:
Once you've downloaded the zip from github, compile it in Xcode to generate the command line tool. Then expand the Products
group and right click on the cartool
file and locate it in finder. You can then run the tool like so:
- 打开终端
这篇关于在 iOS 中分析 Assets.car 文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!