

本文介绍了使用try / catch防止应用程序崩溃的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我一直在研究一款经常使用 try / catch 的Android应用,以防止它甚至在没有必要的地方崩溃。例如,

I have been working on an Android app which uses try/catch frequently to prevent it from crashing even on places where there is no need. For example,

xml布局中的视图,其中 id = toolbar 被引用如下:

A view in xml layout with id = toolbar is referenced like:

// see new example below, this one is just confusing
// it seems like I am asking about empty try/catch
try {
    View view = findViewById(;
catch(Exception e) {


This approach is used throughout the app. The stack trace is not printed and it's really hard to find what went wrong. The app closes suddenly without printing any stack trace.


I asked my senior to explain it to me and he said,


I totally disagree with it. To me this is not the way to prevent apps from crashes. It shows that developer doesn't know what he/she is doing and is in doubt.


Is this the approach being used in industry to prevent enterprise apps from crashes?


If try/catch is really, really our need then is it possible to attach an exception handler with UI thread or other threads and catch everything there? That will be a better approach if possible.

是的,空的尝试/捕获是坏的,即使我们打印堆栈跟踪或日志异常到服务器,在所有应用程序中随机包装 try / catch 中的代码块对我没有意义,例如当每个函数都包含在 try / catch 中。

Yes, empty try/catch is bad and even if we print stack trace or log exception to server, wrapping blocks of code in try/catch randomly across all the app doesn't make sense to me e.g. when every function is enclosed in a try/catch.



As this question has got a lot of attention and some people have misinterpreted the question (perhaps because I haven't phrased it clearly) I am going to rephrase it.


Here is what developers are doing here

  • 一个功能是写入和测试,它可以是一个只是初始化视图或复杂视图的小函数,在测试之后它被包裹在 try / catch 块中。即使对于永远不会抛出任何异常的函数也是如此。

  • A function is written and tested, it can be a small function which just initializes views or a complex one, after testing it is wrapped around try/catch block. Even for function which will never throw any exception.


This practice is used throughout the application. Sometime stack trace is printed and sometime just a debug log with some random error message. This error message differ from developer to developer.


With this approach, app does not crash but behavior of the app becomes undetermined. Even sometime it is hard to follow what went wrong.

我一直在问的真正问题是: 是否在行业中遵循以防止企业应用程序崩溃的做法?而且我不是在询问空的try / catch 。是不是,用户喜欢不会比意外行为的应用程序崩溃的应用程序?因为它真的归结为崩溃或用空白屏幕显示用户或行为用户不知道。

The real question I have been asking was; Is it the practice being following in the industry for preventing the enterprise applications from crashes? and I am not asking about empty try/catch. Is it like, users love application which do not crash than applications which behave unexpectedly? Because it really boils down to either crash it or present the user with a blank screen or the behaviour user is unaware of.


I am posting a few snippets from the real code here

  private void makeRequestForForgetPassword() {
    try {
        HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();

        String email= CurrentUserData.msisdn;
        params.put("email", "blabla");
        params.put("new_password", password);

        NetworkProcess networkProcessForgetStep = new NetworkProcess(
            serviceCallListenerForgotPasswordStep, ForgotPassword.this);
    } catch (Exception e) {

 private void languagePopUpDialog(View view) {
    try {
        PopupWindow popupwindow_obj = popupDisplay();
        popupwindow_obj.showAsDropDown(view, -50, 0);
    } catch (Exception e) {

void reloadActivity() {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {


当然,规则总是有例外,但如果你需要一个经验法则 - 那你是对的;空抓块是绝对不好的做法。

Of course, there are always exceptions to rules, but if you need a rule of thumb - then you are correct; empty catch blocks are "absolutely" bad practice.


Let's have a closer look, first starting with your specific example:

try {
  View view = findViewById(;
catch(Exception e) { }


So, a reference to something is created; and when that fails ... it doesn't matter; because that reference isn't used in the first place! The above code is absolutely useless line noise. Or does the person who wrote that code initially assume that a second, similar call would magically no longer throw an exception?!


try {
  View view = findViewById(;
  ... and now do something with that view variable ...
catch(Exception e) { }


But again, what does this help?! Exceptions exist to communicate respectively propagate error situations within your code. Ignoring errors is rarely a good idea. Actually, an exception can be treated in ways like:

  • 您向用户提供反馈; (例如:您输入的值不是字符串,请再试一次);或者进行更复杂的错误处理

  • 也许问题是以某种方式预期的并且可以减轻(例如,当某些远程搜索失败时给出默认答案)

  • ...


Long story short: the minimum thing that you do with an exception is to log/trace it; so that when you come in later debugging some problem you understand "OK, at this point in time that exception happened".

正如其他人所指出的那样:你也避免一般情况下捕获异常(好吧,取决于层:可能有充分理由为 Exception 捕获一些,甚至是最高级别的某些错误,确保没有迷失; 永远)。

And as others have pointed out: you also avoid catching for Exception in general (well, depending on the layer: there might be good reasons to have some catch for Exception, and even some kinds of Errors at the highest level, to make sure that nothing gets lost; ever).

最后,让我们 Ward Cunningham:

Finally, let's quote Ward Cunningham:



Let that sink in and meditate about it. Clean code does not surprise you. The example you are showing to us surprises everybody looking at.


Update, regarding the update that the OP asks about

try {
  do something
catch(Exception e) {
  print stacktrace


Same answer: doing that "all over the place" is also bad practice. Because this code is also surprising the reader.


  • 在某处打印错误信息。 完全没有保证这个某处类似于合理的目的地。与此相反的。示例:在我正在使用的应用程序中,此类调用将神奇地出现在我们的跟踪缓冲区中。根据具体情况,我们的应用程序有时会将大量数据和大量数据输入这些缓冲区;每隔几秒使这些缓冲区修剪。所以只是打印错误通常会转换为:只是丢失所有信息的错误。

  • 然后:你没有尝试/ catch,因为你可以 。你这样做是因为你了解你的代码正在做什么;而且你知道:我最好在这里尝试/捕捉做正确的事情(再次看到我的答案的第一部分)。

  • Prints error information somewhere. It is not at all guaranteed that this "somewhere" resembles a reasonable destination. To the contrary. Example: within the application I am working with, such calls would magically appear in our trace buffers. Depending on context, our application might pump tons and tons of data into those buffers sometimes; making those buffer prune every few seconds. So "just printing errors" often translates to: "simply loosing error all that information".
  • Then: you don't do try/catch because you can. You do it because you understand what your code is doing; and you know: I better have a try/catch here to do the right thing (see the first parts of my answer again).

所以,使用try / catch作为模式就像你正在展示的那样;如上所述:仍然不是一个好主意。是的,阻止崩溃;但会导致各种未定义的行为。你知道,当你只是抓住一个例外,而不是正确处理它;你打开一罐虫子;因为您可能会遇到大量后续错误,而这些错误是您以后无法理解的。因为你早先消耗了根本原因事件;把它印在某处;那个某处现在已经消失了。

So, using try/catch as "pattern" like you are showing; is as said: still not a good idea. And yes, it prevents crashes; but leads to all kind of "undefined" behavior. You know, when you just catch an exception instead of properly dealing with it; you open a can of worms; because you might run into myriads of follow-on errors that you later don't understand. Because you consumed the "root cause" event earlier on; printed it somewhere; and that somewhere is now gone.

这篇关于使用try / catch防止应用程序崩溃的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 09:41