




How can I fill bar graph's bars with image like the pattern does?


The following are my discoveries or related questions:


So far I have find this useful post. It helps me to output a graph like this. This is already very near to what I want.


However, I would like to have this effect like this post. Unfortunately, this is a JS post. I just want to fill the bar with images once it reaches 1, fill twice when it reaches 2 accordingly. And for decimal, it crops the image or just resize it to fit the bar.


from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import imageio
import math

def image_plot(heights, images, spacing=0):
    # Iterate through images and data, autoscaling the width to
    # the aspect ratio of the image
    for i, (height, img) in enumerate(zip(heights, images)):
        width = 1
        left = width*i
        right = left + width
        plt.imshow(img, extent=[left, right, 0, height])
    # Set x,y limits on plot window
    plt.xlim(0, right)
    plt.ylim(0, max(heights)*2)

data = {"success": True,
        "message": {
                "portion": "100g",
                "nickname": "",
                "trans-fat(g)": "NA",
                "carbohydrates(g)": "42",
                "type": "breakfast",
                "sugar(g)": "14",
                "energy(kcal)": "260",
                "fat(g)": "7.3",
                "fiber(g)": "1.6",
                "cholesterol(mg)": "17",
                "protein(g)": "7.3",
                "Na(mg)": "290",
                "name": "Pork Burger"
msg = data["message"]
x = np.arange(5)
values = [msg["energy(kcal)"], msg["protein(g)"], msg["fat(g)"], msg["sugar(g)"], msg["Na(mg)"]]
values = list(map(float, values))
compare = [457.0,4.68,33.15,34.98,196.38]
values[0] = values[0]/compare[0]
values[1] = values[1]/compare[1]
values[2] = values[2]/compare[2]
values[3] = values[3]/compare[3]
values[4] = values[4]/compare[4]

label = ['energy(kcal)', 'protein(g)', 'fat(g)', 'sugar(g)', 'sodium(mg)']
demaeitcho_img = imageio.imread('./img/damaeitcho.png')
soymilk_img = imageio.imread('./img/soymilk.png')
beefpho_img = imageio.imread('./img/beefpho.png')
coke_img = imageio.imread('./img/coke.png')
luncheonmeat_img = imageio.imread('./img/luncheonmeat.png')

imgs = [demaeitcho_img,soymilk_img,beefpho_img,coke_img,luncheonmeat_img]
image_plot(values, imgs, spacing=0)
plt.xticks(x, ("DemaeItcho","SoyMilk","BeefPho","Coke","LuncheonMeat"), color='orange')
  1. 是否需要为每张图片调用"plt.imshow()"?
  2. 是否必须使所有图像都具有相同的大小才能在条形图上执行更好的纹理映射?


经过对该方法的调查,要生成理想的图形将多次调用 plt.imshow(感谢 ImportanceOfBeingErnest 的提示)

After an investigation on the method, to produces the ideal graph would be calling the plt.imshow for multiple times (Thanks for ImportanceOfBeingErnest's hint)



So, result comes first.

Click me to see the effect.


To do this, we need a while loop or a for loop to count how many times we need to do the imshow().

for i, (height, img) in enumerate(zip(heights, images)):
    count = 0
    while(count<= var_each_image_count):
#                        image l.side,r.side, b.side,  t.side
        plt.imshow(img, extent=[left, right, (count), (count+1)])
        count = count + 1

记住不要使用 plt.bar(),因为它会在图像上覆盖一个新的纯色条.

但是,使用这种方法似乎不能支持 CROP,因为裁剪图像需要图像上的特定坐标才能进行裁剪.

Remember do not use plt.bar(), because it will cover a new solid color bar over the images.

However, using this method seems to be not OK to support CROP as cropping an image requires specific coordinates on the image to crop.


08-04 09:24