

我的网络应用程序有一个方法 test,它每两分钟被一个 cronjob 调用一次,我喜欢能够在 solution asolution 之间动态切换b 带有一些功能标志,无需每次都部署.

my web app has a method test which get invoked by a cronjob every two minutes, and I like to be able dynamically switching between solution a and solution b with some feature flag without deploying it each time.

@Scheduled(fixedRateService = "120000")
public void test(){
if(conditionA()) {
  // do solution A
  } else {
  // do solution B

我想为此目的使用 cookie,但它仅适用于我打开的会话,而且其他解决方案仍然可以被其他会话调用.

I was thinking to use a cookie for this purpose but it only works on the session that I have opened, and still, the other solution could be invoked by other sessions.


is there any way that I can enforce only one solution running in production and dynamically swapping them without releasing them each time?

更新:Jonathan Johx 的回答是正确的,我在这里添加了一些说明

Update:Jonathan Johx answer is correct, and I add some clarification here

更新您首先需要的属性值,以x-www-form-urlencoded格式将您的键/值POST\actuator\env,然后通过将空负载发布到 \actuator\refresh

to update the value of the properties you need first to POST your key/value in x-www-form-urlencoded format to \actuator\env, then force reloading it with by post an empty payload to the \actuator\refresh


你可以使用 @RefreshScope 注释刷新属性:

you might use @RefreshScope annotation to refresh properties:


public class Test {

    private boolean conditional;

    @Scheduled(fixedRateService = "120000")
    public void test(){
    if(conditional) {
      // do solution A
      } else {
      // do solution B

2.- 添加标志属性并允许暴露端点 /refresh 以刷新新属性.

2.- Add flag property and allow exposure the endpoint /refresh in order to refresh new properties.




3.- 一旦 application.properties 被修改例如:

3.- Once the application.properties is modified for example:



Then you can refresh configurations injected doing:

 curl localhost:8080/actuator/refresh -d {} -H "Content-Type: application/json"

参考资料- https://spring.io/guides/gs/centralized-configuration/


08-15 05:56